报告题目: Coherence of exciton-polariton lasers made of atomically-thin materials in microcavities(全英报告)
报告人:Prof. Ivan Savenko (GTIIT, Shantou, China)
报告地点:at lecture hall E410 in the north campus of GTIIT
报告时间:2024年3月12日 17:00
Bose quasi-condensation complemented by “lasing” of exciton polaritons in microcavities is an intriguing condensed-matter phenomenon. It provides a useful platform to study out-of-equilibrium many-body physics in solid-state at the forefront of quantum technologies. I will talk about the photon statistics via the second-order temporal coherence function of the exciton-polariton system, where the light emission emerges from an optical microcavity with an embedded atomically thin MoSe2 crystal. In our work, we investigated the macroscopic polariton phase transition for varying excitation powers and temperatures of the system [1]. The lower-polariton exhibits photon bunching below the threshold, implying a dominant thermal distribution of the emission, while above the threshold, the second-order correlation transits towards unity, which evidences the formation of a coherent state. Our findings are in agreement with a microscopic numerical model, which explicitly includes scattering with phonons on the quantum level.
[1] H. Shan, J.-C. Drawer, M. Sun, C. Anton-Solanas, M. Esmann, K. Yumigeta, K. Watanabe, T.Taniguchi, S. Tongay, S. Höfling, Ivan Savenko, C. Schneider, Second-order temporal coherence of polariton lasers based on an atomically thin crystal in a microcavity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 206901 (2023).