报告地点:at lecture hall E410 in the north campus of GTIIT
报告时间:2024年4月2日 17:00
报告题目: Advancements in Turn-Key Attosecond Light Sources and Their Application in Probing Spin Dynamics(全英报告)
报告人:Ming-Chang Chen(Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
I established the ATTO-EUV lab at NTHU with the ambitious goal of developing a bright, coherent tabletop attosecond EUV laser using high-order harmonic generation. After a decade of dedicated research, I successfully realized this vision by achieving the generation of the shortest and brightest high-order harmonic EUV source. Our significant contributions include proposing and demonstrating a solution for the polarization control of isolated attosecond pulses. Furthermore, we introduced the highly efficient post-compression technique known as CASCADE (CAScaded foCus AnD comprEssion), which facilitated the "turn-key" generation of one-cycle IR pulses and isolated attosecond EUV pulses. This accessible and reliable tabletop EUV light source has opened up numerous possibilities, pioneering EUV spectroscopic ellipsometry and enabling investigations into the spin dynamics of ultrathin magnetic films.