报告地点:at lecture hall E410 in the north campus of GTIIT
报告时间:2024年5月21日 17:00
报告题目: Vibrational Spectroscopy at work in very tight places(全英报告)
报 告 人:Elissaios Stavrou(Materials Science and Engineering Department, Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Vibrational Spectroscopy (Raman and IR) can provide unique information about the local order, including the nature of the chemical bonding, of materials. In the field of high-pressure studies, vibrational spectroscopy becomes critical, as one of the few techniques that can be applied in-situ, i.e. under pressure, aiming to characterize relevant materials and chemical transformations. In this lecture, I will review recent applications of Vibrational spectroscopy under pressure that allows us to probe a plethora of groundbreaking discoveries, such as:
a) Pressure induced metallization,
b) Increase of coordination number and molecular dissociation
c) Alteration of the basic Chemical bonding of elements under pressure,
d) Synthesis of novel materials.
At the end, I will review present challenges of using Vibrational spectroscopy under pressure and pathways to overcome those in the field of high-pressure research.