Prof. Zhen WANG


Prof. Zhen WANG

Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong)


E-mail: zhenwang@stu.edu.cn


Main Research Interests:

Ecotoxicology, Risk Assessment, Marine Ecology, Eco-Microbiology, Comparative Toxicology, Green Chemistry

Research Findings:

(1) Ohore, O.E., Zhang, J., Ifon, B.E., Kumwimba, M.N., Mu, X., Kuang, D., Wang, Z., Gu, J.-D., Yang, G.*, 2024. Microbial phylogenetic divergence between surface-water and sedimentary ecosystems drove the resistome profiles. Science of the Total Environment 915: 170122.

(2) Noman, M., Kazmi, S.S.U.H.*, Saqib H.S.A., Fiaz, U., Pastorino, P., Barcelò, D., Tayyan, M., Liu, W., Wang, Z., Yaseen, Z.M.*, 2024. Harnessing probiotics and prebiotics as eco-friendly solution for cleaner shrimp aquaculture production: A state of the art scientific consensus. Science of the Total Environment 915: 169921.

(3) Guo, X.#, Chen, H.#, Tong, Y.#, Wu, X., Tang, C., Qin, X., Guo, J., Li, P., Wang, Z., Liu, W., Mo, J.*, 2024. A review on the antibiotic florfenicol: Occurrence, environmental fate, effects, and health risks. Environmental Research 224: 117934.

(4) Kazmi, S.S.U.H.*, Saqib, H.S.A., Pastorino, P., Grossart, H.-P., Yaseen, Z.M., Abualreesh, M.H., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, 2023. Influence of the antibiotic nitrofurazone on community dynamics of marine periphytic ciliates: Evidence from community-based bioassays. Science of the Total Environment. 904: 166687.

(5) Ohore, O.E., Ifon, B.E., Wang, Y., Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Zhang, J., Sanganyado, E., Jiao, X., Liu, W., Wang Z.*, 2023. Vertical changes in water depth and environmental variables drove the antibiotics and antibiotic resistomes distribution, and microbial food web structures in the estuary and marine ecosystems. Environment International 178: 108118.

(6) Luo, H., Ma, W., Fang, H., Liu, Z., Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Fan, Y., Wang, Z., Liu, X.*, 2023. bZIPs regulate laminarin metabolism via the circadian rhythms in diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Ecological Indicators 150: 110210.

(7) Sun, J., Yuan, Y., Cai, L., Zeng, M, Li, X., Yao, F., Chen, W., Huang, Y., Shafiq, M., Xie, Q., Zhang, Q., Wong, N., Wang, Z., Jiao, X.*, 2013. Metagenomic evidence for antibiotics-driven co-evolution of microbial community, resistome and mobilome in hospital sewage. Environmental Pollution 327: 121539.

(8) Ma, W.#, Du, H.#, Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Chen, J., Chen, W., Fan, Y., Liu, Z., Luo, H., Fang, H., Wang, Z.*, Liu, X.*, 2023. UBC gene family and their potential functions on the cellular homeostasis under the elevated pCO2 stress in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Ecological Indicators 148: 110106.

(9) Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Saqib, H.S.A., Warren, A., Wang, Z.*, Pastorino, P., Barcelò, D., Gorava, M.U., Samreen, Liu, W., Xu, H.*, 2023. Antibiotic nitrofurazone drives the functional dynamics of periphytic protozoan fauna in marine environments. Science of the Total Environment 874: 162405.

(10) Yang, J., Wang, Y.Y.L., Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Mo, J, Fan, H., Wang, Y., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, 2023. Evaluation of in vitro toxicity information for zebrafish as a promising alternative for chemical hazard and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 872: 162262.

(11) Wang, Y.Y.L., Cai, Y.-E., Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Yang, J., Wang, Y.*, Wang, Z.*, 2023. Temperature-dependent effects of neonicotinoids on the embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1101737.

(12) Ohore, O.E., Wang, Y., Wei, Y., Sanganyado, E., Shafiq, M., Jiao, X., Nwankwegu, A.S., Liu, W., Wang Z.*, 2023. Ecological mechanisms of sedimental microbial biodiversity shift and antibiotic resistance genes trophic transfer from freshwater to estuary ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Management 325: 116547.

(13) Li, A.J.#, Si, M.#, Yin, R., Qiu, R., Li, H., Yao, F., Yu, Y., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, Jiao, X.*, 2022. Detection of neonicotinoid insecticides and their metabolites in human cerebrospinal fluid. Environmental Health Perspectives 130(12):127702.

(14) Fan, H.#, Wang Y. #, Liu, X., Wang, Y.Y.L., Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Ohore, O.E., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, 2022. Derivation of predicted no-effect concentrations for thirty-five pharmaceuticals and personal care products to freshwater ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1043792.

(15) Ohore, O.E., Wei, Y., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Ifon, B.E., Liu, W., Wang Z.*, 2022. Vertical characterisation of phylogenetic divergence of microbial community structures, interaction, and sustainability in estuary and marine ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 851: 158369.

(16) Kazmi, S.S.U.H., Wang, Y.Y.L., Cai, Y.-E., Wang, Z.*, 2022. Temperature effects in single or combined with chemicals to the aquatic organisms: An overview of thermo-chemical stress. Ecological Indicators 143: 109354.

(17) Ohore, O.E., Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Nwankwegu, A.S., Wang, Z.*, 2022. Tracking the influence of antibiotics, antibiotic resistomes, and salinity gradient in modulating microbial community assemblage of surface water and the ecological consequences. Chemosphere. 305: 135428.

(18) Wang, Y.Y.L.#, Xiong, J. #, Ohore, O.E., Cai, Y.-E., Fan, H., Sanganyado, E., Li, P., You, J., Liu, W., Wang Z.*, 2022. Deriving freshwater guideline values for neonicotinoid insecticides: Implications for water quality guidelines and ecological risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 828: 154569.

(19) Ohore, O.E., Qin, Z., Sanganyado, E., Wang, Y., Jiao, X., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, 2022. Ecological impact of antibiotics on bioremediation performance of constructed wetlands: Microbial and plant dynamics, and potential antibiotic resistance genes hotspots. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424: 127495.

(20) Zhou, Z., Bai, Y., Su, T., Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Begnaud, F., Gimeno, S.*, You, J.*, 2022. Investigations on the fish acute toxicity of fragrance ingredients, involving Chinese fish species and zebrafish embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41: 2305-2317.

(21) Wang, Y.Y.L.#, Li, P.#, Ohore, O.E., Wang, Y., Zhang, D, Bai, Y., Su, T, You, J., Jin X., Liu, W., Wang, Z.*, 2021. Life stage and endpoint sensitivity differences of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) to chemicals with various modes of action. Environmental Pollution 290: 117995.

(22) Wang, Z.*, Wang, Y.Y.L., Scott, W.C., Williams, E.S., Ciarlo, M., DeLeo, P., Brooks, B.W.*, 2021. Comparative influences of dermal and inhalational routes of exposure on hazards of cleaning product ingredients among mammalian model organisms. Environment International 157: 106777.

(23) Bai, Y., Lian, D., Su, T., Wang, Y.Y.L., Fan, H., Zhang, D. *, Wang, Z., Gimeno, S., You, J., 2021. Species and life stage sensitivity of Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) to chemical exposure: A critical review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40: 2680-2692.

(24) Cai, L.,Sun, J., Yao, F., Yuan, Y., Zeng, M. Zhang, Q., Xie, Q., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Jiao, X.*, 2021. Antimicrobial resistance bacteria and genes detected in hospital sewage may provide valuable information in reflecting clinical antimicrobial resistance. Science of the Total Environment 795: 148815.

(25) Su, T., Lian, D., Bai, Y., Wang, Y.Y.L., Zhang, D.*, Wang, Z.*, You, J., 2021. The feasibility of the zebrafish embryo as a promising alternative for acute toxicity tests using various fish species: A critical review. Science of the Total Environment 787: 147705.

(26) Garman, E.M*, Schlekat, C.E., Middleton, E., Merrington, G., Peters, A., Smith, R., Stauber, J.L., Leung, K.M., Gissi, F., Binet, M.T., Adams, M.S., Gillmore, M.L., Golding, L.A., Jolley, D., Wang, Z., Reichelt-Brushett, A. 2021, Development of a bioavailability-based risk assessment framework for nick in Southeast Asia and Melanesia. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 17: 802-813.

(27) Gissi, F.*, Wang, Z., Batley, G., Leung, K.M.Y., Schlekat, C.E., Garman, E.R., Stauber, J.L., 2020. Deriving a chronic guideline value for nickel in tropical and temperate marine waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39(12), 2540-2551.

(28) Wang, Z.*, Yeung, K.W.Y., Zhou, G., Yung, M.M.N., Schlekat, C.E., Garman, E.R., Gissi, F., Stauber, J.L., Middleton, E.T., Wang, Y.Y.L., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2020. Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel on freshwater and marine tropical aquatic organisms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 206: 111373.

(29) Fink, R.#, Wang, Z. #, Oder, M., Brooks, B.W.*, 2020. Balancing chemical function with reduced environmental health hazards: A joint probability approach to examine antimicrobial product efficacy and mammalian toxicity. Journal of Cleaner Production 262: 121323.

(30) Wang, Z., Berninger, J.P., You, J.*, Brooks, B.W., 2020. One uncertainty factor does not fit all: Identifying mode of action and species specific acute to chronic ratios for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 262: 114262.

(31) Wang, Z., Dinh, D., Scott, W.C., Williams, E.S., Ciarlo, M., DeLeo, P., Brooks, B.W.*, 2019. Critical review and probabilistic health hazard assessment of cleaning product ingredients in all-purpose cleaners, dish care products, and laundry care products. Environment International 125: 399-417.

(32) Wang, Z., Brooks, B.W., Zeng, E.Y., You, J.*, 2019. Comparative mammalian hazards of neonicotinoid insecticides among exposure durations. Environment International 125: 9-24.

(33) Wang, Z.*, Ho, K.K.Y., Zhou, G.J., Yeung, K.W.Y., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2019. Effects of silver and zinc on tropical freshwater organisms: Implications on water quality guidelines and ecological risk assessment. Chemosphere 225: 897-905.

(34) Wang, Z.*, Liu, G.C.S., Burton, G.A., Jr., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2019. Thermal extremes can intensify chemical toxicity to freshwater organisms and hence exacerbate their impact to the biological community. Chemosphere 224: 256-264.

(35) Wang, Z.*, Kwok, K.W.H., Leung, K.M.Y., 2019. Comparison of temperate and tropical freshwater species acute sensitivities distributions to chemicals: An update. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 15(3): 352-363.

(36) Xiong, J., Wang, Z., Ma, X., Li, H., You, J.*, 2019. Occurrence and risk of neonicotinoid insecticides in surface water of a rapidly developing city (Guangzhou, China): The application of polar organic chemical integrative sampler. Science of the Total Environment 648: 1305-1312.

(37) Shi, J., Li, X., He T., Wang, J., Wang, Z, Li, P., Lai, Y., Sanganyado, E., Liu, W.*, 2018. Integrated assessment of heavy metal pollution using transplanted mussels in eastern Guangdong, China. Environmental Pollution 243: 601-609.

(38) Wang, Z., Scott, W.C., Williams, E.S., Ciarlo, M., DeLeo, P., Brooks, B.W.*, 2018. Identification of novel uncertainty factors and thresholds of toxicological concern for health hazard and risk assessment: Application to cleaning product ingredients. Environment International 113: 357-376.

(39) Mu, Y. #, Wang, Z#, Wu, F.*, Zong, B., Yang, M., Sun, F., Feng, C., Jin, X., Leung, K.M.Y.*, Giesy, J.P., 2018. Model for predicting toxicities of metals and metalloids in coastal marine environments worldwide. Environmental Science & Technology 52(7): 4199-4206.

(40) DeLeo, P.C.*, Ciarlo, M., Pacelli, C., Greggs, W., Williams, E.S., Scott, W.C., Wang, Z., Brooks, B.W., 2018. Cleaning product ingredient safety What is the current state of availability of information regarding ingredients in products and their function? ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6(2): 2094-2102.

(41) Saari, G.N., Wang, Z., Brooks, B.W.*, 2018. Revisiting inland hypoxia: diverse exceedances of dissolved oxygen thresholds for freshwater aquatic life. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(4): 3139-3150.

(42) Obiakor, M.O., Tighe, M., Wang, Z., Ezeonyejiaku, C.D., Pereg, L., Wilson, S.C.*, 2017. The relative sensitivity of freshwater species to antimony(III): Implications for water quality guidelines and ecological risk assessments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(32): 25276-25290.

(43) Wang, Z.*, Meador, J.P., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2016. Metal toxicity to freshwater organisms as a function of pH: A meta-analysis. Chemosphere 144: 1544-1552.

(44) Wang, Z., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2015. Effects of unionised ammonia on tropical freshwater organisms: Implications on temperate-to-tropic extrapolation and water quality guidelines. Environmental Pollution 205: 240-249.

(45) Jin, X., Liu, F., Wang, Y.*, Zhang, L., Li, Z., Wang, Z., Giesy, J.P., Wang, Z., 2015. Probabilistic ecological risk assessment of copper in Chinese offshore marine environments from 2005 to 2012. Marine Pollution Bulletin 94(1-2): 96-102.

(46) Zhou, G.*, Wang, Z., Lau, E.T.C., Xu, X., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2014. Can we predict temperature-dependent chemical toxicity to marine organisms and set appropriate water quality guidelines for predicting marine ecosystems under different thermal scenarios? Marine Pollution Bulletin 87(1-2): 11-21.

(47) Wang, Z., Kwok, K.W.H., Lui, G.C.S., Zhou, G., Lee, J.S., Lam, M.H.W., Leung, K.M.Y.*, 2014. The difference between temperate and tropical saltwater species acute sensitivity to chemicals is relatively small. Chemosphere 105: 31-43.

(48) Wang, Z., Jin, X.*, Wang, Z., 2014. Taxon-specific sensitivity differences of copper to aquatic organisms. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology 9: 640-646. (In Chinese) 王振, 金小伟*, 王子健, 2014. 铜对水生生物的毒性: 类群敏感度特异性分析. 生态毒理学报9:640-646.

(49) Wang, Z., Zheng, S.*, Liu, W., Chen, B., Liu, Z., Huang, H., Yu, W., Ma, Z., 2010. Acute toxic effects of the water accommodated fraction of crude oil on Hapalogenys nitens zygotes and larvae. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait 29: 367-372. (In Chinese) 王振, 郑森林*, 刘文华, 陈彬, 刘正华, 黄浩, 俞炜炜, 马致远, 2010. 原油水溶性成份对斜带髭鲷受精卵孵化及仔鱼的急性毒性效应. 台湾海峡29:367-372.

(50) Zheng, S.*, Chen, B., Wang, Z., Qiu, X., Yu, X., Freestone, D., Liu, Z., Huang, H., Yu, W., Xu, X., 2010. Reproductive toxic effects of sublethal cadmium on the marine polychaete Perineris nuntia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73(6): 1196-1201.

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