Prof. Huaiping ZHENG
Ph.D. (Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005)
Contact: +86-754-86502485
M.S Marine Biology, Xiamen University (1995-1998)
Ph. D Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001-2005)
1998-2001 Lecturer, Department of Marine Biotechnology, Yancheng Institute of Technology
2005-2007 Post-doc Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2007- Present Institute of Marine Biology, Shantou University
The Second Prize ofMarine Innovation Award Achievement,State Oceanic Administration People’s Republic of China, 2006
The Second Prize ofMarine Innovation Award Achievement,State Oceanic Administration People’s Republic of China, 2008
Advisor for Excellent Master's Thesis of Guangdong Province, 2012
51 Work Medal Winner of Shantou City, 2013
Research Interests

a. Shellfish Genetics and Breeding
b. Shellfish Reproductive and Aquaculture
c. Shellfish Resources and Molecular Nutrition
Research Grants Received
a. NFSC “Study on mechanism of carotenoids enriched within the golden adductor in the noble scallopChlamys nobilisReeve” (2011.1-2013.12)
b. NFSC “Study on key genes for accumulating carotenoids in the orange individuals of noble scallopChlayms nobilis” (2014.1-2017.12)
Representative publications
a. Wang Yajun,Zheng Huaiping*, Zhang Bo, Liu Helu, Deng Huajuan, Deng Longhui. Cloning and respond of a cold shock domain protein (CnCSDP) gene to cold stress in noble scallopChlamys nobilis(Bivalve: Pectinidae).Mol Biol Rep, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s 11033-014-3694-4.
b. Liu Helu, Guo Zhicheng,Zheng Huaiping*, Wang Shuqi, Wang Yajun, Liu Wenhua, Zhang Guofan. Functional characterization of a △5-like Fatty Acyl Desaturase and its expression during early embryogenesis in the noble scallopChlamys nobilisReeve.Mol Biol Rep, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s 11033-014-3633-4.
c. Liu Helu, Zheng Huaiping*, Wang Shuqi, Wang Yajun, Li Shengkang, Liu Wenhua, Zhang Guofan. Cloning and functional characterization of a polyunsaturated fatty acid elongase in a marine bivalve noble scallopChlamys nobilisReeve.Aquaculture, 2013, 416-417: 145-151.
d. Zheng Huaiping*, Zhang Tao, Sun Zewei, Liu Wenhua, Liu Helu. Inheritance of shell colours in the noble scallopChlamys nobilis(Bivalve: Pectinidae).Aquaculture Research, 2013, 44: 1229-1235.
e. Zheng Huaiping*, Zhang Qian, Liu Helu, Liu Wenhua, Sun Zewei, Li Shengkang,Zhang Tao. Cloning and expression of vitellogenin (Vg) gene and its correlations with total carenoids content and total antioxidant capacity in noble scallop Chlamys nobilis (Bivalve: Pectinidae).Aquaculture, 2012, 366-367: 46-53.
f. ZhengHuaiping,Li Li,Zhang Guofan*. Inbreeding depression for fitness-related traits and purging the genetic load in the hermaphroditic bay scallopArgopecten irradians irradians(Mollusca: Bivalvia).Aquaculture, 2012, 366-367: 27-33.
g. Zheng Huaiping*, Liu helu, Liu Wenhua, Sun Zewei, Zhang Qian. Changes of total carotenoid and lipid content in scallop tissues ofChlamys nobilis(Bivalve: Pectinidae) during gonad maturation.Aquaculture, 2012, 342-343: 7-12.
h. Zheng Huaiping,Xu Fei, Zhang Guofan*. Crosses between two subspecies of bay scallopArgopecten irradiansand heterosis for yield traits at harvest.Aquaculture Research, 2011, (42)4: 602-612.
i. Zheng Huaiping*, Liu Helu, Zhang Tao, Wang Shuqi, Sun Zewei, Liu Wenhua, Li Yuanyou. Total carotenoid differences in scallop tissues ofChlamys nobilis(Bivalve: Pectinidae) with regard to gender and shell color.Food Chemistry, 2010, 122: 1164-1167.
j. Zheng Huaiping, Ke Caihuan*, Sun zewei, Zhou Shiqiang, Li Fuxue.Effects of stocking density and algal concentration on the survival, growth and metamorphosis of Bobu Ivory shell,Babylonia formosae habei(Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) larvae.Aquaculture Research, 2010, 42(1): 1-8.
k. ZhengHuaiping,Zhang Guofan*,Liu Xiao.Inbreeding depression for various traits in two cultured populations of the American bay scallop,Argopecten irradians irradiansLamarck (1819) introduced into China.J Exp Mar Biol Ecol, 2008, 364(1): 42-47.
l. ZhengHuaiping,Zhang Guofan*,Liu Xiao, Guo Ximing. Sustained response to selection in an introduced population of the hermaphroditic bay scallopArgopecten irradians irradiansLamarck (1819).Aquaculture, 2006, 255(1-4): 579-585.
m.ZhengHuaiping,Zhang Guofan*, Liu Xiao, Zhang Fusui, Guo Ximing.Different Responses to Selection in Two Stocks of the Bay Scallop,Argopecten irradians irradiansLamarck (1819).J Exp Mar Biol Ecol, 2004, 313 (2): 213-223. (ScienceDirectTOP25Hottest Articles).