Prof. Hong DU



Prof. Hong DU

Ph.D. (Jinan University, China)

Associate Dean, College of Science, Shantou University

Tel: +86-754-82903093, Fax: +86-754-82902767



Ph. D., Hydrobiology, 2003, Jinan University, Guangdong, China

M.S., Enviromental Biology, 2000, Shantou University, Guangdong, China

B.S., Biochemistry, 1997, Shantou University, Guangdong, China


a.2009-present Director of Department of Biology,Associatedirector of Academic Affairs, AssociateDeanofSCI, Shantou University

b.2007-present Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Biology, Shantou University

c.2010.Mar-Aug Visiting scholar, Vero Beach Marine Lab, Florida Institute of Technology

d.2003-2007 Assistant professor, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University


a.Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award, Shantou University, (2011).

b.The third prize in the first session of young teachers basic skill of teaching, Guangdong, (July,2012).

c.Outstanding teacher award, Shantou, (2012).


Research Interests

a.Algae biofuel Be familiar with large scale microalgae culture procedure.

b.Marine environment Ecological restoration, Use macroalgae to relieve eutrophication.

c.Macroalgae culture Be familiar withGracilariaculture.

Research Grants Received

a.National Natural Science Foundation of China:Study of molecular mechanism of gracilaria lemaneiformis under nitrogen stress response,(Grant No .31000189).

b.The Chinese Academy of Sciences and comprehensive strategy cooperation projects in Guangdong Province: Key Technology of preparation of special seaweed industrial products industrialization in eastern Guangdong, (Grant No. 2011A090100040).

c.Key project of guangdong province science and technology plan:Large-scale mixed aquaculturing of shellfish and algae and nearshore marine ecological environment protection and restoration technology, ( Grant No. 2006A36502001).

d.Key project of guangdong province science and technology plan:Guangdong coastal ecological maintenance of large algae and its high value utilization technology, (Grant No. 2007A032600003).

Representative publications

a.Hong Du, Junda Lin, Chris Zuercher. Higher efficiency of CO2injection into seawater by a venture than a conventional diffuser system. Bioresource Technology 107 (2012): 131-134.

b.Changjiang huang, xiaoping lin ,junda lin, hong du, Population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens in Zhelin Bay, China, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2009, 89(4): 663-668.

c.Gracilaria Tenuistipitata in Response to Nutrients and Heavy Metal Pb Stress, Journal of Shantou University (Natural Science ), 2010,25(1): 29-34.

d.Population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens in Zhelin Bay, China, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2009, 89(4): 663-668.


a.Preparation of low gelling temperature agarose.(Appl. NO.: 201410027327.8)

b.Superfine crushing of the cell wall fromGracilaria lemaneiformis.(Appl. NO.: 201310306379.4)

c.High efficient separation and purification of reagent grade R-phycoerythrin fromGracilaria lemaneiformis. (Appl. NO.: 201310306723.x)

d.An device of efficient cooling gels of agar. (Appl. NO.: 201320636098.0,)

TEL: (+86) 0754-86502829.    FAX: (+86) 0754-82902767.    E-mail: o_lxyb@stu.edu.cn
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