Prof. Zhong HU



Prof. Zhong HU,

Ph.D. (Lanzhou University)

(Phone: +86-754-86504189,Email:hzh@stu.edu.cn)


a. M.S. Biology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China. 1997

b.Ph.D. Biology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China. 2001


a. 2000-2003, Assistant professor of Biology, Shantou University

b. 2004-2007, Associate professor of Biology, Shantou University

c. 2008-present, Full professor of Biology, Shantou University


Research Interests

a.Molecular Microbiology

b.Environmental Microbiology

c. Microbialresource

Research Grants Received

a. Agriculture Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R.China(2013GB2E000368), PI: Hu Z.,2013-2015

b. Science and Technology Project of Guangdong Province, P.R.China(2012A031100009), PI: Hu Z., 2012. 10-2015. 9

c.National Natural Science Foundation of China(41076106), PI: Hu Z., 2011.1-2013.12

d. National Natural Science Foundation of China(30970106 ),PI: Hu Z., 2010.1-2012.12

Representative publications

a. Lun JS, Xia CY, Yuan CF, Zhang YL, Zhong MQ, Huang TW,Hu Z*. The outer membrane protein, LamB, is a versatile vaccine candidateamongVibriospecies.Vaccine, 2014, 32(7): 809-815

b. Xie W, Lin BK, Zhou ZR, Lun JS, Xia CY, Li SK,Hu Z*. Characterization of a novel β-agarase from an agar-degrading bacteriumCatenovulumsp.X3.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(11): 4907-4915

c. Lin BK,Lu GY, Zheng YD, Xie W, Li SK,Hu Z*. Aquimarina agarilyticasp. nov., a novel agarolytic species isolated from red alga.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,2012, 62(4): 869-873.

d. Song XH, Xu Y, Li GM, Zhang Y, Huang TW,Hu Z*. Isolation, Characterization ofRhodococcussp. P14 capable of degrading high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic hydrocarbons.Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2011, 62 (10): 2122-2128

e. Long CN, Cui JJ, Liu ZT, Liu YT, Long MN,Hu Z*. Statistical optimization of fermentative hydrogen production from xylose by newly isolated Enterobacter sp. CN1.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35: 6657-6664

TEL: (+86) 0754-86502829.    FAX: (+86) 0754-82902767.    E-mail: o_lxyb@stu.edu.cn
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