Report Title:ACE Organic: a Web-based organic chemistry homework program
Abstract:We have developed a Web-based homework program designed especially for organic chemistry. Students submit responses that consist of structures that they drew with the help of a structure-drawing program embedded in the Web page. If a response is incorrect, the program analyzes the response to give the most appropriate feedback without revealing the correct answer. The program can analyze multistep mechanisms and syntheses of any length.
Report time:2015-6-8(Mon.)3:30 - 5:00 pm
Report place:College auditorium (Sci-349)
Reporter:Prof. Robert B. Grossman,Department of Chemistry,University of Kentucky
Reporter summary:
Education A.B. in Chemistry, Certificate of Proficiency in History of Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1987
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1992
Professional Experience
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Allied-Signal Corp., Morristown, NJ, 1986
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987
Graduate Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988-92
Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June-July 1992
Postdoctoral Fellow, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1992-93
Research Associate, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1993-94
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, 1994-2000
Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, 2000-2004
Professor, University of Kentucky, 2004-present
Director of Graduate Studies, 2006-2009
Current Research Interests
Organic Synthetic Methodology
Asymmetric Synthesis
Natural Products Synthesis
Chemical Ecology
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