Report Title:Pulsed radiofrequency GD-ToF-MS a powerful “toy” for depth profile analysis with high depth resolution
Report time:2015-5-18(Mon.)16:10
Report :College meeting Room(SCI-349)
Reporter:Prof. Jorge Pisonero, Physics Department, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Report summary:
The development and characterization of innovative materials based on thin coatings, highly require the use of direct-solid analytical techniques able to provide fast depth profile analysis with high depth resolution and high sensitivity for the determination of trace elements. In this work, we evaluate the advantages and limitations of pulsed radiofrequency glow discharges time-of-flight mass spectrometry (pulsed-rf-GD-ToFMS) as a promising technique for this kind of applications.
Pulsed-rf-GD provides a dynamic plasma with different time domain regions that are associated to different main ionization processes. Moreover, the coupling of this ion source to a ToFMS allows the collection of completed mass spectra every 30 μs along the millisecond GD pulse period, and for all the sequential pulse periods. All these data provide valuable information to investigate the ionization and transport processes, and to select the most appropriate integration intervals to achieve adequate depth profiles of the different analyzes. For instance, the selection of the integration interval within the ion signal pulse profile is critical to avoid potential spectral interferences in the mass spectra, and to get high sensitivity.
Applications of this technique for the analysis of innovative materials (e.g. photovoltaic materials, hard disks, etc.) will be described and discussed.
Brief introduction of Reporter:
Dr.Jorge Pisonerois an Associate Professor of Physics at University of Oviedo (Spain), from which he obtained his PhD (November 2004) degree working of glow discharge spectroscopy. After his PhD, he was awarded a 2-year Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for a postdoctoral stay at ETH (Switzerland) to work on laser ablation-based techniques. Afterwards, Jorge obtained the prestigious 5-year “Ramon and Cajal” research contract and went back to University of Oviedo, where in collaboration with Dr. Nerea Bordel established the Laser and Plasma Spectroscopy Research Group ( His current research interests are focused on fundamentals and applications of LIBS, LA-ICP-MS, and atmospheric and low pressure GD spectroscopies.