Department of Physics of Shantou University now has offered Optical Engineering1st level Master Program andMaterial Physics and Chemistry2nd level Master Program.
Material Physics and Chemistryis the subject actively supported by the211 Projectin our universities. This subject takes Condensed Matter Physics as theoretical basis and applies modern physics research methods, computing technology, advanced material preparation technology and testing technology into the researches about physics problems of material science. It emphasizes on the researches on material microstructure, material transformation rules and the relationship between materials as well as their physical and chemical property. Currently, the main research directions are photoelectric material, nano-composite material and signal processing applications in material science.
At present,Optical engineeringhas four research directions: laser physics, optoelectronic materials and devices, photonic crystal and optical fiber sensor and photoelectric display technology. This discipline involved in the study of the theory of the frontier of strong laser field physics. At the same time, this subject focus on applied research and participates in some research and development projects of some enterprises. In the coming years, the department of physics would endeavor to establish the doctor degree program of optics engineering discipline, in order to set up the multilevel system ofBachelor - Master - Doctorelite cultivation.