姓名:李明根 性别:男 出生年月:1996. 06
Email: mgli@stu.edu.cn
北京师范大学 理论物理 硕博连读 2018.09—2023.07
安徽师范大学 物理学(师范) 本科 2014.09—2018.07
工作经历:2023.06--至今 汕头大学物理系讲师
[1] Ming-Gen Li, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Resonance behavior for the dynamical friction of a system in a trapping potential》. Physical Review Research 4,(2022)043058;
[2] Ming-Gen Li, Jing-dong Bao. 《Semiclassical quantizing spatially dependent friction and anomalous diffusion》. Physica A 605, (2022)127995;
[3] Ming-Gen Li, Li-Ming Fan, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Power-law frictional landscapes induce anomalous diffusion》. Physica A 597, (2022) 127249;
[4] Ming-Gen Li, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Surprise ballistic and scaling inverted dynamics of a system coupled to a Hamiltonian thermostat》. J. Stat. Mech. (2021) 073205 ;
[5] Ming-Gen Li, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Effect of Self-Oscillation on Escape Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Open Systems》. Entropy 22, (2020), 839;
[6] Ming-Gen Li, Jing-dong Bao. Book Chapter: Effect of Self-Oscillation on Escape Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Open Systems. In: Ricardo Beltran-Chacon, editor. Entropy: Theory and New Insights. Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf. 2020;
[7] Wen Bao, Ming-Gen Li, Hai-Yang Wang, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Stochastic localization and non-Boltzmann distribution》. Physica A 611, (2023) 128423;
[8] Bao Wen, Ming-Gen Li, Jian Liu, Jing-Dong Bao. 《Ergodic Measure and Potential Control of Anomalous Diffusion》. Entropy 25, (2023), 1012;
[9] Li-Ming Fan, Ming-Gen Li, Jing-dong Bao. 《Monte Carlo study of transport in low-dimensional quantum disorder systems at finite temperature》. J. Stat. Mech. (2022) 013301;