

梁裕升教授 (Prof. Jonathan Yu Sing Leung), 澳洲环球优才




Email: jonathan_0919@hotmail.com

Google Scholar:Jonathan Y.S.Leung

ResearchGate: Jonathan Y.S. Leung

Scopus ID: 55792745500

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5846-3401


2014 – 2018

博士 (PhD) – 海洋生物学


· 博士论文卓越奖

· 国际研究生研究奖学金

· 澳大利亚研究生奖

2008 – 2010

硕士 (MPhil) – 海岸生态学


· 平均绩点:3.67/4.30

2004 – 2007

理学学士 (BSc) – 环境科学与管理


· 一级荣誉,平均绩点:3.60/4.30

· 学术卓越院长名单奖(3次)


2023 – 至今


· 教授

2019 – 2023


· 研究员

2019 – 2022


· 博士后研究员(一等成果出站

2018 – 2019


· 博士后研究员

2013 – 2014


· 高级研究助理

2010 – 2013


· 研究助理

2007 – 2007


· 补充教学计划负责人(Leader of Supplemental Instruction Scheme

2006 – 2007


· 同伴辅助学习计划顾问(Advisor of Peer Assisted Learning Scheme


发表论文:54篇(第一作者25篇;通讯作者27篇); 2本编辑书籍

谷歌学术:引用次数 > 2200H指数 = 26

1. Leung, J.Y.S., Zhang, S., Connell, S.D. 2022. Is ocean acidification really a threat to marine calcifiers? A systematic review and meta-analysis of 980+ studies spanning two decades. Small 18, 2107407. (影响因子: 15.153期刊影响因子百分比: 92.39)

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

2. Leung, J.Y.S., Nagelkerken, I., Pistevos, J.C.A., Xie, Z., Zhang, S., Connell, S.D. 2022. Shark teeth can resist ocean acidification. Glob. Change Biol. 28, 2286–2295. (影响因子: 13.211期刊影响因子百分比: 97.40)

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Miami Herald报道, “Sharks just got scarier: Their teeth could be more durable as ocean warms, study says”

3. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Coleman, M.A., Kelaher, B.P., Connell, S.D. 2021. Long-term thermal acclimation drives adaptive physiological adjustments of a marine gastropod to reduce sensitivity to climate change. Sci. Total Environ. 771, 145208. (影响因子: 10.753期刊影响因子百分比: 90.86)

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# 结果被Daily MaverickThe Conversation引述, “Young cold-blooded animals are suffering the most as Earth heats up, research finds”

4. Leung, J.Y.S., Chen, Y., Nagelkerken, I., Zhang, S., Xie, Z., Connell, S.D. 2020. Calcifiers can adjust shell building at the nanoscale to resist ocean acidification. Small 16, 2003186. (影响因子: 15.153期刊影响因子百分比: 92.39)

# Advances in Engineering报道, “Marine life can resist ocean acidification by modifying shell-building process at the nanoscale”

5. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D. 2019. Adaptive responses of marine gastropods to heatwaves. One Earth 1, 374–381. (影响因子: 14.944期刊影响因子百分比: 97.67)

# Cell子刊

6. Leung, J.Y.S., Doubleday, Z.A., Nagelkerken, I., Chen, Y., Xie, Z., Connell, S.D. 2019. How calorie-rich food could help marine calcifiers in a CO2-rich future. Proc. R. Soc. B 286, 20190757. (影响因子: 5.530期刊影响因子百分比: 82.95)

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Science报道, “Ocean acidification could boost shell growth in snails and sea urchins”

7. Leung, J.Y.S., Connell, S.D., Nagelkerken, I., Russell, B.D. 2017. Impacts of near-future ocean acidification and warming on the shell mechanical and geochemical properties of gastropods from intertidal to subtidal zones. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51, 12097–12103. (影响因子: 11.357期刊影响因子百分比: 92.29)

8. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D. 2017. Mineralogical plasticity acts as a compensatory mechanism to the impacts of ocean acidification. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51, 2652–2659. (影响因子: 11.357期刊影响因子百分比: 92.29)

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Phys.OrgScienceDaily报道, American Chemical Society. "Some marine creatures may be more resilient to harsher ocean conditions than expected"

9. Wang, T., Hu, M., Xu, G., Shi, H., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Wang, Y. 2021. Microplastic accumulation via trophic transfer: Can a predatory crab counter the adverse effects of microplastics by body defence? Sci. Total Environ. 754, 142099. (影响因子: 10.753期刊影响因子百分比: 90.86)

# 基于该领域和出版年份的高被引阈值,其学术领域的前1%

10. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Geng, X., Chen, S., Huang, X., Li, H., Huang, Z., Zhu, L., Chen, J., Lu, Y. 2015. Heavy metal contamination of soil and water in the vicinity of an abandoned e-waste recycling site: Implications for dissemination of heavy metals. Sci. Total Environ. 506–507, 217–225. (影响因子: 10.753期刊影响因子百分比: 90.86)

# 基于该领域和出版年份的高被引阈值,其学术领域的前1%


1. Leung, J.Y.S. 2016. Water Resources: Problems and Solutions. OMICS Group International, CA, USA. (主编)

2. Leung, J.Y.S., McAfee, D. 2020. Impacts of climate change on the fitness and survival of marine organisms. Oceans. MDPI, Switzerland. (客座副主编)

3. Leung, J.Y.S., Harvey, B.P., Russell, B.D. 2020. Fitness of marine calcifiers in the future acidifying ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. Frontiers, Switzerland. (副主编)

E-book: doi: 10.3389/978-2-88971-616-6

4. Leung, J.Y.S., Wu, Q. 2021. Impacts of anthropogenic activities on water resources and ecosystem health: how to minimize these impacts? Water. MDPI, Switzerland. (客座副主编)

5. Leung, J.Y.S., Liu X. 2021. Conserving biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems: challenges and solutions. Water. MDPI, Switzerland. (客座副主编)

6. Leung, J.Y.S., Li, S., Zhao, L. 2022. Impact of climate change: Physiological and molecular responses of organisms to pollutants in marine ecosystems. Front. Physiol. Frontiers, Switzerland. (客座副主编)


· 面上项目(42176199), 2022, 海洋酸化和暖化下钙化生物能量分配策略和跨世代适应机制—以管虫为例, 国家自然科学基金 (主持)

· 面上资助(2019M663419), 2019, 钙化生物如何抵抗海洋酸化的机制研究, 中国博士后科学基金 (主持)




Critical   Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

Environmental   Science & Technology

Water   Research

Journal   of Hazardous Materials

Environment   International

Journal   of Cleaner Production

Environmental   Pollution

Science   of the Total Environment

Environmental   Sciences Europe

Ecotoxicology   and Environmental Safety

Ecological   Indicators




Global   Change Biology

Proceedings   of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Royal   Society Open Science

Frontiers   in Marine Science

Biodiversity   and Conservation

Climate   Change Ecology

Marine   Pollution Bulletin

Marine   Environmental Research

Marine   Ecology Progress Series

Estuarine   Coastal and Shelf Science


1. Leung, J.Y.S., Tam, N.F.Y. Impact of the exotic mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris on the macrobenthic infaunal community. Presented at 2nd Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, Sibiu, Romania, 8-11 Oct 2009.

2. Leung, Y.S., Cai, Q.H., Ke, L., Tam, N.F.Y. Removal of wastewater-borne organic carbon, total phosphorus and nitrogenous compounds by constructed mangrove and non-mangrove wetlands. Presented at Croucher Advanced Study Institute, Remediation of Contaminated Land – Bioavailability and Health Risk, Hong Kong, 9-13 Dec 2010.

3. Cai, Q.H., Leung, Y.S., Ke, L., Tam, N.F.Y. Removal of heavy metals and aromatic compounds by mangrove and non-mangrove constructed wetlands. Presented at Croucher Advanced Study Institute, Remediation of Contaminated Land – Bioavailability and Health Risk, Hong Kong, 9-13 Dec 2010.

4. Leung, J.Y.S., Chan, C.Y.S., Po, B.H.K., Chiu, J.M.Y., Thiyagarajan, V., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O. Jr, Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G. Effect of hypoxia on fertilization success, embryogenesis, larval mortality and settlement of a serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans. Presented at 7th Annual Symposium, Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology, Hong Kong, 5-6 Jan 2012.

5. Chan, C.Y.S., Po, B.H.K., Li, A.L., Leung, J.Y.S., Cheung, S.G., Ang, P.O. Jr, Wu, R.S.S., Chiu, J.M.Y. Hypoxia effects on intertidal community: from microbes to invertebrates. Presented at 7th Annual Symposium, Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology, Hong Kong, 5-6 Jan 2012.

6. Leung, J.Y.S., Wang, Y., Cai, Q.H., Tam, N.F.Y. Effect of below-ground vegetation on macrobenthic community of two mangrove swamps in Hong Kong: Implication of plantation and plant invasion. Presented at 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 3-8 Jun 2012.

7. Leung, J.Y.S., Shin, P.K.S., Chiu, J.M.Y., Qiu, J.W., Thiyagarajan, V., Ang, P.O., Cheung, S.G. Effect of acute and parental hypoxic exposure on the gamete quality of two serpulid polychaetes, Hydroides elegans and Hydroides diramphus. Presented at 8th Annual Symposium, Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology, Hong Kong, 10-11 Jan 2013.

8. Leung, J.Y.S., Shin, P.K.S., Chiu, J.M.Y., Qiu, J.W., Thiyagarajan, V., Ang, P.O., Cheung, S.G. Acute hypoxic exposure affects gamete quality and subsequent fertilization success and embryonic development in a serpulid polychaete. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hong Kong, 17-21 Jun 2013.

9. Shin, P.K.S., Leung, J.Y.S., Chiu, J.M.Y., Qiu, J.W., Thiyagarajan, V., Ang, P.O., Cheung, S.G. Effect of parental hypoxic exposure on the gamete quality and fertilization success of two serpulid polychaetes Hydroides elegans and Hydroides diramphus. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hong Kong, 17-21 Jun 2013.

10. Leung, J.Y.S., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Chiu, J.M.Y., Qiu, J.W., Thiyagarajan, V., Ang, P.O. Different physiological and behavioral responses shown by two serpulid polychaetes, Hydroides elegans and Hydroides diramphus, under hypoxia. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hong Kong, 17-21 Jun 2013.

11. Leung, J.Y.S. Ecological functions of macrobenthic community are compromised by severe pollution, but enhanced by afforestation: Evidence from biological trait analysis. Presented at International Conference on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems 2015, Hong Kong, 1-4 Jun 2015.

12. Doubleday, Z., Nagelkerken, I., Leung, J., Chen, Y., Xie, Z., Connell, S. Marine life breaking rules by building shells in acidic extremes. Presented at 55th Annual Conference of Australian Marine Sciences Association, Adelaide, Australia, 1-5 July 2018.

13. Leung, J.Y.S. 钙化生物如何在海洋酸化下构造出更坚固的外壳? Presented at西南大学第五届含弘青年学者论坛, Chongqing, China, 24-26 March 2019.

14. Leung, J.Y.S. How can calcifiers build more durable shells under ocean acidification? Presented as a keynote speaker at上海海洋大学水产学科青年学者论坛暨上海高校国际青年学者论坛, Shanghai, China, 19-21 Jun 2019.

15. Leung, J.Y.S. How to increase research impact by improving writing skills? Presented at上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院20周年院庆系列讲座, Shanghai, China, 20-23 Dec 2019.

16. Leung, J.Y.S. 气候变化对海洋生物的影响及其适应性. Presented at南京师范大学流域前沿论坛, Nanjing, China, 25-26 Dec 2019.

17. Leung, J.Y.S. Is climate change a threat to marine organisms? Presented at The University of Adelaide (Frontiers in Marine Biology Lectures), Adelaide, Australia, 19 May 2020.

18. Leung, J.Y.S. Is ocean acidification a threat to marine calcifiers? Presented at The University of Adelaide (Frontiers in Marine Biology Lectures), Adelaide, Australia, 22 Mar 2022.

19. Leung, J.Y.S. 钙化生物对海洋酸化的适应性研究. Presented at 自然资源部第三海洋研究所, Xiamen, China, 3 Aug 2022.

20. Leung, J.Y.S. How to publish papers in top-tier journals? Presented at华南师范大学环境学院学术讲座, Guangzhou, China, 17 Aug 2022.

21. Leung, J.Y.S. Is ocean acidification really a threat to marine calcifiers? Presented at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 21 Sep 2022.

22. Leung, J.Y.S. Is ocean acidification really a threat to marine calcifiers? Presented at 届大型海藻海洋牧场与碳汇国际研讨会, Shanghai, China, 12 Nov 2022.

23. Leung, J.Y.S. Can shark teeth resist ocean acidification? Presented at上海海洋大学第七届生态修复与环境保护青年学者论坛, Shanghai, China, 17 Nov 2022.


*通讯作者 ^共同第一作者

1. Leung, J.Y.S., Tam, N.F.Y. 2013. Influence of plantation of an exotic mangrove species, Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl., on macrobenthic infaunal community in Futian Mangrove National Nature Reserve, China. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 448, 1–9.

2. Leung, Y.S., Shin, P.K.S., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O., Chiu, J.M.Y., Thiyagarajan, V., Cheung, S.G. 2013. Physiological and behavioural responses of different life stages of a serpulid polychaete to hypoxia. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 477, 135–145.

3. Leung, J.Y.S., Cheung, S.G., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O., Chiu, J.M.Y., Thiyagarajan, V., Shin, P.K.S. 2013. Effect of parental hypoxic exposure on embryonic development of the offspring of two serpulid polychaetes: Implication for transgenerational epigenetic effect. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 74, 149–155.

4. Shin, P.K.S., Leung, J.Y.S., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O., Chiu, J.M.Y., Thiyagarajan, V., Cheung, S.G. 2013. Hypoxia induces abnormal larval development and affects biofilm-larval interaction in the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 76, 291–297.

5. Wu, Q., Tam, N.F.Y., Leung, J.Y.S., Zhou, X., Fu, J., Yao, B., Huang, X., Xia, L. 2014. Ecological risk and pollution history of heavy metals in Nansha mangrove, South China. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 104, 143–151.

6. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S., Tam, N.F.Y., Chen, S., Mai, B., Zhou, X., Xia, L., Geng, X. 2014. Biological risk and pollution history of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Nansha mangrove, South China. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 85, 92–98.

7. Cheung, S.G., Chan, C.Y.S., Po, B.H.K., Li, A.L., Leung, J.Y.S., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O., Thiyagarajan, V., Shin, P.K.S., Chiu, J.M.Y. 2014. Effects of hypoxia on biofilms and subsequently larval settlement of benthic invertebrates. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 85, 418–424.

8. Shin, P.K.S., Leung, J.Y.S., Qiu, J.W., Ang, P.O., Chiu, J.M.Y., Thiyagarajan, V., Cheung, S.G. 2014. Acute hypoxic exposure affects gamete quality and subsequent fertilization success and embryonic development in a serpulid polychaete. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 85, 439–445.

9. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Geng, X., Chen, S., Huang, X., Li, H., Huang, Z., Zhu, L., Chen, J., Lu, Y. 2015. Heavy metal contamination of soil and water in the vicinity of an abandoned e-waste recycling site: Implications for dissemination of heavy metals. Sci. Total Environ. 506–507, 217–225.

# 基于该领域和出版年份的高被引阈值,其学术领域的前1%

10. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Huang, X., Yao, B., Yuan, X., Ma, J., Guo, S. 2015. Evaluation of the ability of black nightshade Solanum nigrum L. for phytoremediation of thallium-contaminated soil. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22, 11478–11487.

11. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Yuan, X., Huang, X., Li, H., Huang, Z., Li, Y. 2015. Biological risk, source and pollution history of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the sediment in Nansha mangrove, South China. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 96, 57–64.

12. Leung, J.Y.S.* 2015. Habitat heterogeneity determining the macrobenthic infaunal community in a mangrove swamp in South China: Implication for plantation and plant invasion. J. Coast. Res. 31, 624–633.

13. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D., Ng, J.C.Y., Lo, M.M.Y. 2015. Acid dulls the senses: impaired locomotion and foraging performance in a marine mollusk. Anim. Behav. 106, 223–229.

14. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Pérez, A.L., Huang, X., Wang, W. 2015. Contamination and vertical distribution of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Tl, and Zn in paddy soil irrigated with untreated leachate from tailings retention ponds. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 97, 701–722.

15. Leung, J.Y.S.* 2015. Habitat heterogeneity affects ecological functions of macrobenthic communities in a mangrove: Implication for the impact of restoration and afforestation. Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 4, 423–433.

16. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Tam, N.F.Y., Peng, Y., Guo, P., Zhou, S., Li, Q., Geng, X., Miao, S. 2016. Contamination and distribution of heavy metals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and alternative halogenated flame retardants in a pristine mangrove. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 103, 344–348.

17. Wu, Q., Zhou, H., Tam, N.F.Y., Tian, Y., Tan, Y., Zhou, S., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2016. Contamination, toxicity and speciation of heavy metals in an industrialized urban river: Implications for the dispersal of heavy metals. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 104, 153–161.

18. Leung, J.Y.S., Cai, Q., Tam, N.F.Y. 2016. Comparing subsurface flow constructed wetlands with mangrove plants and freshwater wetland plants for removing nutrients and toxic pollutants. Ecol. Eng. 95, 129–137.

19. Chiu, J.M.Y., Degger, N., Leung, J.Y.S., Po, B.H.K., Zheng, G.J., Richardson, B.J., Lau, T.C., Wu, R.S.S. 2016. A novel approach for estimating the removal efficiencies of endocrine disrupting chemicals and heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 112, 53–57.

20. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Cheung, N.K.M. 2017. Feeding behaviour of a serpulid polychaete: Turning a nuisance species into a natural resource to counter algal blooms? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 115, 379–382.

21. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D. 2017. Mineralogical plasticity acts as a compensatory mechanism to the impacts of ocean acidification. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51, 2652–2659.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Phys.OrgScienceDaily报道, "Some marine creatures may be more resilient to harsher ocean conditions than expected"



22. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Cheung, N.K.M. 2017. Can mangrove plantation enhance the functional diversity of macrobenthic community in polluted mangroves? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 116, 454–461.

23. Wu, Q., Liu, X., Liang, C., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Li, H., Chen, S., Mai, B., Miao, S., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Chen, Z. 2017. Historical trends and ecological risks of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and alternative halogenated flame retardants (AHFRs) in a mangrove in South China. Sci. Total Environ. 599–600, 181–187.

24. Connell, S.D., Fernandes, M., Burnell, O.W., Doubleday, Z.A., Griffin, K., Irving, A.D., Leung, J.Y.S., Owen, S., Russell, B.D., Falkenberg, L.J. 2017. Testing for thresholds of ecosystem collapse in seagrass meadows. Conserv. Biol. 31, 1196–1201.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

25. Leung, J.Y.S., Connell, S.D., Nagelkerken, I., Russell, B.D. 2017. Impacts of near-future ocean acidification and warming on the shell mechanical and geochemical properties of gastropods from intertidal to subtidal zones. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51, 12097–12103.

26. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Connell, S.D., Russell, B.D. 2017. Heatwaves diminish the survival of a subtidal gastropod through reduction in energy budget and depletion of energy reserves. Sci. Rep. 7, 17688.

27. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Nagelkerken, I., Russell, B.D., Ferreira, C.M., Connell, S.D. 2018. Boosted nutritional quality of food by CO2 enrichment fails to offset energy demand of herbivores under ocean warming, causing energy depletion and mortality. Sci. Total Environ. 639, 360–366.

28. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Cheung, N.K.M. 2018. Effects of hypoxia and non-lethal shell damage on shell mechanical and geochemical properties of a calcifying polychaete. Biogeosciences 15, 3267–3276.

29. Wu, Q., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Du, Y., Kong, D., Shi, Y., Wang, Y., Xiao, T. 2019. Trace metals in e-waste lead to serious health risk through consumption of rice growing near an abandoned e-waste recycling site: Comparisons with PBDEs and AHFRs. Environ. Pollut. 247, 46–54.

30. Wu, Q., Du, Y., Huang, Z., Gu, J., Leung, J.Y.S., Mai, B., Xiao, T., Liu, W., Fu, J. 2019. Vertical profile of soil/sediment pollution and microbial community change by e-waste recycling operation. Sci. Total Environ. 669, 1001–1010.

31. Leung, J.Y.S., Doubleday, Z.A., Nagelkerken, I., Chen, Y., Xie, Z., Connell, S.D. 2019. How calorie-rich food could help marine calcifiers in a CO2-rich future. Proc. R. Soc. B 286, 20190757.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Science报道, “Ocean acidification could boost shell growth in snails and sea urchins”

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/07/ocean-acidification-could-boost-shell-growth-marine-life-snails-and-sea-urchins (doi:10.1126/science.aay8496)

32. Rodriguez-Dominguez, A., Connell, S.D., Leung, J.Y.S., Nagelkerken, I. 2019. Adaptive responses of fishes to climate change: Feedback between physiology and behaviour. Sci. Total Environ. 692, 1242–1249.

33. Ferreira, C.M., Nagelkerken, I., Goldenberg, S.U., Walden, G., Leung, J.Y.S., Connell, S.D. 2019. Functional loss in herbivores drives runaway expansion of weedy algae in a near-future ocean. Sci. Total Environ. 695, 133829.

34. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D. 2019. Adaptive responses of marine gastropods to heatwaves. One Earth 1, 374–381.

35. Leung, J.Y.S.*, McAfee, D. 2020. Stress across life stages: impacts, responses and consequences for marine organisms. Sci. Total Environ. 700, 134491.

36. Wu, F., Wang, Y., Leung, J.Y.S., Huang, W., Zeng, J., Tang, Y., Chen, J., Shi, A., Yu, X., Xu, X., Zhang, H., Cao, L. 2020. Accumulation of microplastics in typical commercial aquatic species: a case study at a productive aquaculture site in China. Sci. Total Environ. 708, 135432.

# 基于该领域和出版年份的高被引阈值,其学术领域的前1%

37. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Connell, S.D. 2020. Linking energy budget to physiological adaptation: how a calcifying gastropod adjusts or succumbs to ocean acidification and warming. Sci. Total Environ. 715, 136939.

38. Hou, L., Chen, S., Shi, W., Chen, H., Liang, Y., Wang, X., Tan, J., Wang, Y., Deng, X., Zhan, M., Long, J., Cai, G., Luo, S., Zhang, C., Liu, J., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Xie, L. 2020. Norethindrone alters mating behaviors, ovary histology, hormone production and transcriptional expression of steroidogenic genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 195, 110496.

39. Shi, Y., Zhang, Y., Du, Y., Kong, D., Wu, Q., Hong, Y., Wang, Y., Tam, N.F.Y., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2020. Occurrence, composition and biological risk of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in water of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 27, 14852–14862.

40. Du, Y., Wu, Q., Kong, D., Shi, Y., Huang, X., Luo, D., Chen, Z., Xiao, T., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2020. Accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in water hyacinth: Maximising the use of green resources to remediate sites impacted by e-waste recycling activities. Ecol. Indic. 115, 106384.

41. Leung, J.Y.S., Chen, Y., Nagelkerken, I., Zhang, S., Xie, Z., Connell, S.D. 2020. Calcifiers can adjust shell building at the nanoscale to resist ocean acidification. Small 16, 2003186.

# Advances in Engineering报道, “Marine life can resist ocean acidification by modifying shell-building process at the nanoscale”


42. Wang, T., Hu, M., Xu, G., Shi, H., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Wang, Y. 2021. Microplastic accumulation via trophic transfer: Can a predatory crab counter the adverse effects of microplastics by body defence? Sci. Total Environ. 754, 142099.

# 基于该领域和出版年份的高被引阈值,其学术领域的前1%

43. Chen, S., Lin, C., Wang, Y., Tan, J., Wang, X., Wang, X., Hou, L., Liu, J., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2021. Reproductive potential of mosquitofish is reduced by the masculinizing effect of a synthetic progesterone, gestodene: Evidence from morphology, courtship behaviour, ovary histology, sex hormones and gene expressions. Sci. Total Environ. 769, 144570.

44. Leung, J.Y.S., Russell, B.D., Coleman, M.A., Kelaher, B.P., Connell, S.D. 2021. Long-term thermal acclimation drives adaptive physiological adjustments of a marine gastropod to reduce sensitivity to climate change. Sci. Total Environ. 771, 145208.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# 结果被Daily MaverickThe Conversation引述, “Young cold-blooded animals are suffering the most as Earth heats up, research finds”



45. Zhang, Y., Leung, J.Y.S., Zhang, Y., Gao, J., Cai, Y., Li, K. 2021. Agricultural activities compromise ecosystem health and functioning of rivers: Insights from multivariate and multimetric analyses of macroinvertebrate assemblages. Environ. Pollut. 275, 116655.

46. Wang, X., Tan, Z., Chen, S., Gui, L., Li, X., Ke, D., Hou, L., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2021. Norethindrone causes cellular and hepatic injury in zebrafish by compromising the metabolic processes associated with antioxidant defence: Insights from metabolomics. Chemosphere 275, 130049.

47. Leung, J.Y.S.*, Harvey, B.P., Russell, B.D. 2021. Editorial: Fitness of marine calcifiers in the future acidifying ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 752635.

48. Leung, J.Y.S., Nagelkerken, I., Pistevos, J.C.A., Xie, Z., Zhang, S., Connell, S.D. 2022. Shark teeth can resist ocean acidification. Glob. Change Biol. 28, 2286–2295.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

# Miami Herald报道, “Sharks just got scarier: Their teeth could be more durable as ocean warms, study says”


49. Huang, X., Leung, J.Y.S.^, Hu, M., Xu, E.G., Wang, Y. 2022. Microplastics can aggravate the impact of ocean acidification on the health of mussels: Insights from physiological performance, immunity and byssus properties. Environ. Pollut. 308, 119701.

50. Leung, J.Y.S., Zhang, S., Connell, S.D. 2022. Is ocean acidification really a threat to marine calcifiers? A systematic review and meta-analysis of 980+ studies spanning two decades. Small 18, 2107407.

# Altmetric评分的所有研究成果中排名前5%

51. He, G., Xiong, X., Peng, Y., Xu, Y., Liu, X., Liang, J., Masanja, F., Yang, K., Xu, X., Zheng, Z., Deng, Y., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Zhao, L. 2023. Transcriptomic responses reveal impaired physiological performance of the pearl oyster following repeated exposure to marine heatwaves. Sci. Total Environ. 854, 158726.

52. Su, X., Zhou, Z., Wu, Q., Zeng, X., Wang, X., Leung, J.Y.S.*. 2023. Can antimony contamination in soil undermine the ecological contributions of earthworms? Sci. Total Environ. 904, 166305.

53. McAfee, D., Leung, J.Y.S., Connell, S.D. 2023. Improving ecological function of polluted coasts under a tide of plastic waste. Front. Ecol. Environ. doi:10.1002/fee.2667

54. Connell S.D., Leung, J.Y.S.* 2023. Reproducibility crisis and gravitation towards a consensus in ocean acidification research. Nat. Clim. Change doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01828-9