Journal of Applied Ichthyology学术编辑
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Animals和Aquaculture Journal客座编辑
1. 基于环境丰容技术提升鱼类生态适应性:作用机理与生态影响
2. 鱼类个性行为:生态效应、驱动因子与遗传基础
3. 全球变化对鱼类功能性状与适合度的影响:数据整合分析
4. 鱼类行为多样性:分布格局与驱动因子
5. 鱼类增殖放流的资源养护效果与生态风险评估
[1]. Zonghang Zhang, Qikai Chen, Xiaotong Guan, Mingyu Gong, Jintao Zhang, Fang Cheng, Xiumei Zhang*. Physical and social enrichment influences the adaptability-related behaviors of black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii: An effect mediated by social behaviors, HPI axis and neurogenesis. Aquaculture. 2023, 564: 739056. (中科院1区TOP)
[2]. Zonghang Zhang, Lijia Gao, Xiumei Zhang*. Environmental enrichment increases aquatic animal welfare: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2022, 14: 1120-1135. (中科院1区TOP)
[3]. Zonghang Zhang, Yiqiu Fu, Hancheng Zhao, Xiumei Zhang*. Social enrichment affects fish growth and aggression depending on fish species: applications for aquaculture. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022, 9: 1011780. (中科院2区)
[4]. Zonghang Zhang, Yiqiu Fu, Fengyuan Shen, Zhen Zhang, Haoyu Guo, Xiumei Zhang*. Barren environment damages cognitive abilities in fish: Behavioral and transcriptome mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 794: 148805. (中科院1区TOP)
[5]. Zonghang Zhang, Yiqiu Fu, Haoyu Guo, Xiumei Zhang*. Effect of environmental enrichment on the stress response of juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Aquaculture. 2021, 533: 736088. (中科院1区TOP)
[6]. Zonghang Zhang, Qingqing Bai, Xiuwen Xu, Xiumei Zhang*. Effects of the dominance hierarchy on social interactions, cortisol level, HPG-axis activities and reproductive success in the golden cuttlefish Sepia esculenta. Aquaculture. 2021, 533: 736059. (中科院1区TOP)
[7]. Zonghang Zhang, Yiqiu Fu, Zhen Zhang, Xiumei Zhang*, Shengcan Chen. A comparative study on two territorial fishes: the influence of physical enrichment on aggressive behavior. Animals. 2021, 11(7): 1868. (中科院2区)
[8]. Zonghang Zhang, Qingqing Bai, Xiuwen Xu, Haoyu Guo, Xiumei Zhang*. Effects of environmental enrichment on the welfare of juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii: Growth, behavior and physiology. Aquaculture. 2020, 518: 734782. (中科院1区TOP)
[9]. Zonghang Zhang, Xiuwen Xu, Yihang Wang, Xiumei Zhang*. Effects of environmental enrichment on growth performance, aggressive behavior and stress-induced changes in cortisol release and neurogenesis of black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Aquaculture. 2020, 528: 735483. (中科院1区TOP)
[10]. Zonghang Zhang, Xuemei Zhang, Zhenlin Li, Xiumei Zhang*. Effects of different levels of environmental enrichment on the sheltering behaviors, brain development and cortisol levels of black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2019, 218: 104825. (中科院2区)
[11]. 张宗航, 董建宇, 张雪梅, 张秀梅*. 环境丰容对早期发育阶段许氏平鲉趋礁行为的影响. 生态学报. 2018, 38(22): 8223-8233. (中文核心)
[12]. 张宗航, 郭浩宇, 张雪梅, 张秀梅*. 鱼类社群等级及其在水产增养殖中的应用. 生态学杂志. 2018, 37(4): 1257-1264. (中文核心)
[1]. 朱岚倩, 郭浩宇, 张宗航, 秦依琳, 史会来, 张秀梅*. 野生和养殖曼氏无针乌贼亲体形态、生化组分及其胚胎发育的比较. 水产学报. 2022.
[2]. Yiqiu Fu, Zonghang Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Fengyuan Shen, Xiuwen Xu, Zheng Li, Yanhao Zhang, Miumei Zhang*. Boldness predicts aggressiveness, metabolism and activity in black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021, 8: 770180.
[3]. Fengyuan Shen, Zonghang Zhang, Yiqiu Fu, Zhen Zhang, Xin Sun, Jianyu Dong, Xiayang Ding, Muyan Chen, Xiumei Zhang*. Effects of food deprivation duration on the behavior and metabolism of black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii). Fishes. 2021, 6: 58.
[4]. Xiuwen Xu, Haoyu Guo, Zonghang Zhang, Yihang Wang, Jianguang Qin, Xiumei Zhang*. Impact of pre-aggressive experience on behavior and physiology of black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii). Aquaculture. 2021, 536: 736416.
[5]. 罗芷晴, 董建宇, 张宗航, 徐秀文, 张秀梅*. 基于微卫星标记的许氏平鲉卵巢不同分区子代多重父权分析. 中国水产科学. 2021, 28(4): 391-402.
[6]. 丁夏阳, 孙昕, 董建宇, 詹启鹏, 张宗航, 张镇, 申丰源, 张沛东, 张秀梅*. 莱州湾芙蓉岛人工鱼礁区生态系统能量流动及仿刺参生态容量评估. 渔业科学进展. 2021.
[7]. 张镇, 董建宇, 孙昕, 张宇洋, 詹启鹏, 张宗航, 申丰源, 丁夏阳, 张沛东, 张秀梅*. 莱州芙蓉岛人工鱼礁区大型底栖动物营养结构特征研究. 水产学报. 2021.
[8]. Xiuwen Xu, Zonghang Zhang, Haoyu Guo, Jianguang Qin, Xiumei Zhang*. Changes in aggressive behavior, cortisol and brain monoamines during the formation of social hierarchy in black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii). Animals. 2020, 10(12): 2357.
[9]. 柏青青, 李江涛, 徐秀文, 张宗航, 李文涛, 张秀梅*. 社群等级对金乌贼行为表型及能量代谢的影响. 生态学报. 2020, 40(15): 5408-5417.
[10]. 郭浩宇, 张秀梅*, 张宗航, 李超. 许氏平鲉仔、稚鱼的摄食特性及幼鱼胃排空率. 水产学报. 2017, 41(2): 285-296.
[11]. 黄六一*, 陈婧, 李龙, 黄洪亮, 唐衍力, 孙旋旋, 房璐, 李玉岩, 张宗航, 张文慧. 不同密度日本真鲈对气泡幕阻拦的行为反应研究. 渔业信息与战略. 2017, 32: 118-123.
[12]. 黄六一*, 陈婧, 李龙, 黄洪亮, 唐衍力, 孙旋旋, 房璐, 李玉岩, 张宗航, 张文慧. 气泡幕对许氏平鲉的阻拦效果研究. 渔业现代化. 2016, 43: 55-60.