


阮祚禧 个人简介



姓名:阮祚禧 性别:男 出生年月 1976.12  学系:海洋生物研究所

Name: Zuoxi Ruan, Gender: male, Department: Marine Biology Institute


Associate professor

学术兼职(Academic Appointments):Frontiers in Marine Science (SCI, IF 3.7 )编委

Editor board member of Frontiers in Marine Science (SCI IF 3.7 )

Email: run@stu.edu.cn



1. 2010 - 2013 Universita Politecnica delle Marche(意大利)海洋生物与生态学专业 博士

PhD student in Biological and Environmental Sciences, Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Italy)

2. 2005 - 2008 汕头大学海洋生物研究所海洋生物学专业 硕士

Master's student in Marine Biology, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University, China

3. 1994 - 1998 厦门大学生物系生物学基地班 学士

Undergraduate student in Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Xiamen University, China

工作经历(Career experience):

4. 2023.01 - 汕头大学海洋生物研究所 副教授

Associate professor, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University, China

5. 2008.12 - 2022.12 汕头大学海洋生物研究所 讲师

Lecturer, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University, China

6. 1998.07 - 2008.11 汕头大学海洋生物研究所 助教

Lecturer, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University, China

主要研究兴趣(Research Interests):


Primarily engaged in the study of the impacts of global changes on the photosynthetic carbon fixation and the carbon allocation in biomacromolecules of marine phytoplankton.

承担及参与项目(Projects Undertaken or Participated):

1. 海水酸化对粤东上升流区浮游植物碳分配模式的影响及其机制(国家自然科学基金 42076206),2021.01-2024.12,58万(主持)

Impact and Mechanisms of Ocean Acidification on Carbon Allocation Patterns of Phytoplankton in the Eastern Guangdong Upwelling Area (National Natural Science Foundation of China 42076206), Jan 2021 - Dec 2024, 580,000 RMB (Principal Investigator)

2. 海水酸化对粤东上升流区典型浮游植物碳分配模式影响的研究(广东省自然科学基金2020A1515011073)2019.10—2022.0910万(主持)

Study on the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Carbon Allocation Patterns of Typical Phytoplankton in the Eastern Guangdong Upwelling Area (Guangdong Natural Science Foundation 2020A1515011073), Oct 2019 - Sep 2022, 100,000 RMB (Principal Investigator)

3. 浮游植物细胞中能量在主要同化途径中的分配(汕头大学珠江学者讲座教授科研启动经费NTF180050)2018.01-2020.1260万(主要参与者)

Energy Allocation in Major Assimilation Pathways in Phytoplankton Cells (Shantou University Pearl River Scholar Lecture Professor Research Startup Fund NTF180050), Jan 2018 - Dec 2020, 600,000 RMB (Main Participant)

4. 海水酸化与营养盐对颗石藻(Emiliania huxleyi)的耦合影响(近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)访问学者与开放课题基金MELRS1305)2013.7-2014.122.0万(主持)

Coupled Effects of Ocean Acidification and Nutrients on Coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi) (National Key Laboratory of Nearshore Marine Science, Xiamen University, Visiting Scholar and Open Topic Fund MELRS1305), Jul 2013 - Dec 2014, 20,000 RMB (Principal Investigator)

5. CO2浓度升高对海洋钙化浮游植物的影响(汕头大学校基金YR13002)2013.10-2015.92.0万(主持)

Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Oceanic Calcifying Phytoplankton (Shantou University Fund YR13002), Oct 2013 - Sep 2015, 20,000 RMB (Principal Investigator)

6. 海水酸化对钙化藻类钙化作用的影响(国家自然科学基金面上项目40676063)2007.01-2009.1242万(主要参与者)

Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Calcification of Calcifying Algae (National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program 40676063), Jan 2007 - Dec 2009, 420,000 RMB (Main Participant)


1. Zuoxi Ruan, Meifang Lu, Hongmin Lin, Shanwen Chen, Ping Li, Weizhou Chen, Huijuan Xu*, Dajun Qiu*. 2023. Different photosynthetic responses of haploid and diploid Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) to high light and ultraviolet radiation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 10:40. (SCI, 5-year IF 6.1)

2. 周雨, 阮祚禧, 方崇, 陈小燕, 徐惠娟*, 王忠铭, 袁振宏. 2023. 一碳气体利用微生物及其基因工程改造. 生物工程学报 39(8):3125-3142.

3. Mario Giordano, Charles A. Goodman, Fengying Huang, John A. Raven, Zuoxi Ruan*. 2022. A mechanistic study of the influence of nitrogen and energy availability on the NH4+ sensitivity of nitrogen assimilation in Synechococcus. Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 5596-5611 (SCI, 5- year IF 8.0)

4. Zuoxi Ruan, Ondrej Prasil, Mario Giordano*. 2018. The phycobilisomes of Synechococcus sp. are constructed to minimize nitrogen use in nitrogen-limited cells and to maximize energy capture in energy-limited cells. Environmental and Experimental Botany 150: 152-160. (SCI, 5-year IF 4.6)

5. Zuoxi Ruan, John Raven, Mario Giordano*. 2017. In Synechococcus sp. competition for energy between assimilation and acquisition of C and those of N only occurs when growth is light limited. Journal of Experimental Botany 68(14): 3829-3839. (SCI, 5-year IF 6.0)

6. Zuoxi Ruan, Mario Giordano*. 2017. The use of NH4+ rather than NO3- affects cell stoichiometry, C allocation, photosynthesis and growth in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. UTEX LB 2380, only when energy is limiting. Plant Cell and Environment 40(2): 227-236. (SCI, IF-5 year 6.2)

7. 阮祚禧*, 邹定辉, 许振平, 邓 誉, 王婷晔, 黄凤英, 罗丽娜. 2016. 颗石球缓解紫外辐射对颗石藻Emiliania huxleyi光合作用的胁迫. 水生生物学报 40(5) 1078-1082

8. Cristina Sobrino*, Maria A. Segovia, Patric J. Neale, Jesus M. Mercado, Candela García-Gómez, Gemma Kulk, Maria del R. Lorenzo, Maria T. Camarena, Willem H. van de Poll, Kristian Spilling, Zuoxi Ruan. 2014. Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. IV. Physiological responses. Aquatic Biology 22: 77-93. (SCI, 5-year IF 1.5)

9. Kunshan Gao*, Zuoxi Ruan, Virginia E. Villafñe, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, E. Walter Helbling. 2009. Ocean acidification exacerbates the impact of UV radiation on the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography, 54(6): 1855-1862. (SCI, 5-year IF 4.0)

10. Zuoxi Ruan, Murray T. Brown*. 2008. Effects of acute Glyphosate exposure on the growth and physiology of Nostoc sphaeroides, an edible cyanobacterium of paddy rice fields. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica (水生生物学报) 32(4): 462-468.(In English with Chinese abstract)

11. Dinghui Zou,Kunshan Gao*, Zuoxi Ruan. 2007. Daily timing of emersion and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration affect photosynthetic performance of the intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chorophyta) in sunlight. Botanica Marina 50(5/6): 275-279.SCI, 5-year IF 1.4

12. 阮祚禧, 高坤山*. 2007. 钙化藻类的钙化过程与大气中CO2浓度变化的关系. 植物生理学通讯 43(4): 773-778.

13. Dinghui Zou, Kunshan Gao*, Zuoxi Ruan. 2006, Seasonal pattern of reproduction of Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) from Nanao Island, Shantou, China. Botanica Marina 18 : 195-201.(SCI, 5-year IF 1.4)

14. 邹定辉*, 阮祚禧, 陈伟洲. 2004. 干出状态瞎羊栖菜的光合作用特性.海洋通报23(5): 33-39.

15. 邹定辉, 高坤山*, 阮祚禧. 2001. CO2浓度对石莼光合作用及营养盐吸收的影响. 青岛海洋大学学报 316):877-882.

*为通讯作者(Corresponding author