



  教授,中国科学院物理研究所博士,德国重离子所(https://www.gsi.de)博士后,欧盟ELI-Beamlines研究所(https://www.eli-beams.eu)资深科学家,2021年入职汕头大学,从事强激光物理和高能量密度物理的理论、实验和诊断研究。目前主要研究兴趣包括高能量激光等离子体加热新机制的理论研究、X射线吸收和相衬成像、强场激光物理的粒子模拟、激光等离子体太赫兹源的产生、超快和阿秒物理的实验研究。在Physics Review LettersPhysics of Plasmas, High Power Laser Science and Engineering等期刊发表约30篇文章。



[1] Kun Li & Wei Yu, Optical probing of magnet-induced transparent over-dense plasma in a whistler mode, Phys. Plasmas, 30, 092105 (2023)

[2] Kun Li & Shunhui Zong, Design and mathematical modelling of scintillator-based electron-ion Thomson Parabola Spectrometer, AIP Advances 13, 105202 (2023)

[3] Kun Li & Wei Yu, Interactions of optical laser below moderate intensity with high energy density plasma in the whistler mode, Fifth International Symposium on High Power Laser Science and Engineering

[4] Li Kun &Yu Wei, Parametric dependence of collisional heating of highly magnetized overdense plasma by (far-)infrared lasers, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 10, 1 (2020)

[5] K.LI & W.Yu, Propagation of circularly polarized laser in strongly magnetized over-dense collisional plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 26, 092106 (2019)

[6] K.Li & W. Yu, Laser propagation in a highly magnetized over-dense plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27, 102712 (2020)

[7] L. Volpe, …, K. Li and et al. Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 tw system vega 2 at the centro de laseres pulsados. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 7, (2019)

[8] X Vaisseau, K Li, and et al,. Enhanced relativistic-electron-beam energy loss in warm dense aluminum. Physical Review Letters, 114(9):095004, 2015

[9] TG White, K Li, and et al. Electron-ion equilibration in ultrafast heated graphite. Physical Review Letters, 112(14):145005, 2014

[10] R. H. H. Scott, K. Li and et al., Controlling fast-electron-beam divergence using two laser pulses. Physical Review Letters, 109(1):015001, 2012


l (2024~2026)高能量密度等离子体的硬X射线Talbot-Lau干涉成像的研究,国家自然科学基金项目;

l (2022-2024)阶梯滤片实时质子能谱仪的研制,广东省科技战略大专项;

l (2021-2023)强离子流诊断系统的研制,广东省科技战略大专项;

l (2021-2024)电子离子流的诊断研究,汕头大学科研启动项目


l 一种角度分辨质子束能谱仪及其实现方法 (2023.1)

l 一种实时角分辨汤姆逊电子离子谱仪(2023.9)