


Email: dfyao@stu.edu.cn



2011.09 - 2016.07 厦门大学 生命科学学院 博士

2007.09 - 2011.07  江西中医学院 基础医学院 学士


2023.01 –至今 汕头大学 副教授

2019.09 – 2022.12  汕头大学 讲师

2016.09 – 2019.09  汕头大学   博士后

2017.07 – 2018.07  新加坡国立大学   访问学者







2、指导硕士研究生 6人,已毕业 1人。




3、广东省科技计划项目:白斑综合症病毒 IE1 蛋白抑制对虾酚氧化酶原系统的机制研究,编号:STKJ20211885万元, 已结题,主持;

4、中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助): 基于BioID技术的白斑综合症病毒IE1互作蛋白质组学研究,编号:2018M6309738万元,已结题,主持;




1. Wu TC#, Sun BB#, Lu KY#, Zhang J, Zhang S, Lin ZY, Zhang YL, Zhu JH*, Yao DF*, The MEF2 homolog of Penaeus vannamei is essential for maintaining the WSSV latent infection, Gene, 2023, 147677. (JCR 2 区,IF5Y=3.3)

2. Wang CQ, Zhang HM, Zhu JH, Liu HP, Yang YQ, Sun BB, Wu TC, Zhang YL, Yao DF*, The transcription factor CEBP homolog of Penaeus vannamei contributes to WSSV replication, Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2023,13:108571.JCR 1区,IF5Y=4.7, Top期刊

3. Chen YX#, Wu GC#, Wang CQ, Zhang HM, Zhu JH, Zhang YL, Lin ZY, Yao DF*, Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals that WSSV IE1 protein plays a crucial role in DNA replication control, Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23, 8176. (JCR 1区,IF5Y=6.2, Top 期刊)

4. Wang CQ#, Wei MH#, Wu GC, He LX, Zhu JH, Aweya JJ, Chen XL, Zhao YZ, Zhang YL, Yao DF*, Proteomics analysis reveals a critical role for the WSSV immediate-early protein IE1 in modulating the host prophenoloxidase system, Virulence, 2022,13(1):936-948.JCR 2 区,IF5Y= 5.9

5. Wei MH#, Zhang YL#, Aweya JJ, Wang F, Li SK, Lun JS, Zhu CH, Yao DF*, Litopenaeus vannamei Src64B restricts white spot syndrome virus replication by modulating apoptosis, Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2019,93:313-321.JCR 1区,IF5Y=4.7, Top期刊

6. Yao DF#, Ruan LW#*, Xu JX#, Shi H, Xu X, Characterization of a novel non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src from Litopenaeus vannamei and its response to white spot syndrome virus infection, Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2017,68:377-385.JCR 1 区,IF5Y=4.7

7. Yao DF#, Ruan LW#*, Lu HS, Shi H, Xu X, Shrimp STAT was hijacked by white spot syndrome virus immediate-early protein IE1 involved in modulation of viral genes, Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2016,59:268-275.JCR 1区,IF5Y=4.7, Top期刊)

8. Yao DF, Ruan LW, Xu X, Shi H*, Identification of a c-Jun homolog from Litopenaeus vannamei as a downstream substrate of JNK in response to WSSV infection, Dev Comp Immunol, 2015,49(2):282-289.JCR 1区,IF5Y=3.1

9. Wang CQ, Yao DF*, Zhao MM, Lu KY, Lin ZY, Chen XL, Zhao YZ, Zhang YL*, Shrimp lipid droplet protein Perilipin involves in the pathogenesis of AHPND-causing Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23,10520. (JCR 1区,IF5Y=6.2, Top 期刊)

10. Wu GC#, Lin QS#, Lim TK, Zhang YL, Aweya JJ, Zhu JH, Yao DF*; The interactome of Singapore grouper iridovirus protein ICP18 as revealed by proximity-dependent BioID approach, Virus Res, 2021, 291:198218.JCR 2区,IF5Y=4.0

11. Yao DF#, Liu YF#, Chen XL#, Lim TK, Wang L, Aweya JJ, Zhang YL*, Lin QS*, In-depth proteomic profiling of the Singapore grouper iridovirus virion, Arch Virol, 2019,164(7):1889-1895.JCR 3区,IF5Y=2.4


1. Wang ZY, Zhang YL, Aweya JJ, Lin ZY, Yao DF*, Zheng ZH*, The histidine phosphatase LHPP of Penaeus vannamei is involved in shrimp hemocytes apoptosis, Fish Shellfish Immunol Rep, 2023, 5: 100109.

2. Zhao WL#, Fang YX#, Zheng ZH, Lin ZY, Zhao YZ, Chen XL, Yao DF*, Zhang YL*, The transcription factor CSL homolog in Penaeus vannamei positively regulates the transcription of the hemocyanin small subunit gene, Dev Comp Immunol,145, 2023, 104723. JCR 1区,IF5Y=3.1

3. Zhou H#, Chen XB#, Aweya JJ, Zhao YZ, Yao DF*, Zhang YL*, Interaction of Penaeus vannamei hemocyanin and α2-macroglobulin modulates the phenoloxidase activity, Mol Immunol, 2021, 138: 181-187.JCR 3 区,IF5Y= 4.0

4. Zhou H, Zhao WL, Zheng ZH, Aweya JJ, Zhang YL, Zhu JH, Zhao YZ, Chen XL, Yao DF*, The Notch receptor-ligand Delta is involved in the immune response of Penaeus vannamei, Dev Comp Immunol, 2021, 104147.JCR 1区,IF5Y=3.1

5. Zhao WL, Zheng ZH, Aweya JJ, Wang F, Li SK, Tuan TN, Yao DF*, Zhang YL*, Litopenaeus vannamei Notch interacts with COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (CNS1) to negatively regulate the NF-κB pathway, J Proteomics, 2021, 234:104104. JCR 2区,IF5Y=3.5

6. Yao DF#, Wang ZH#, Wei MH, Zhao XL, Aweya JJ, Zhong MQ, Li SK, Zhang YL*, Analysis of Litopenaeus vannamei hemocyanin interacting proteins reveals its role in hemolymph clotting, J Proteomics, 2019,201:57-64.JCR 2区,IF5Y=3.5

7. Yao DF#, Su HM#, Zhu JH#, Zhao XL, Aweya JJ, Wang F, Zhong MQ, Zhang YL*, SNPs in the Toll1 receptor of Litopenaeus vannamei are associated with immune response, Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2018,72:410-417. JCR 1 区,IF5Y=4.7, Top期刊