
刘超平 [ 副教授 ]物理系管理个人简历


Email: cpliu@stu.edu.cn


博士 2011-10,香港城市大学

硕士 2006-06,湘潭大学

学士 2003-06,湘潭大学



2015-022018-11,香港城市大学,Research Fellow

2013-032015-02,纳米及先进材料研发院有限公司,Research Engineer

2011-102013-03,香港理工大学,Research Associate





(1) 半导体光电薄膜材料的生长、物理及器件应用(高功率器件、忆阻器、光伏、高清显示、固态发光、光探测等);

(2) 光电功能材料的光谱研究(椭圆偏振光谱、拉曼光谱、超快光谱等);

(3) 先进功能涂层的制备及工业应用(透明导电、光/热致变色、建筑节能及光学防伪等)。

Nat. Commun.Phys. Rev. AppliedAppl. Phys. Lett.Appl. Surf. SciJ. Appl. PhysJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter等国际期刊上发表SCI论文>60篇(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3802-9557),论文被Nat. Mater.Nat. Photon.等刊物引用>2000, H index=22。申请了中国发明专利2项(已获授权1项)。主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省科技厅国际科技合作专项等项目。课题组依托“广东省半导体材料与器件研究中心”及“广东省有序结构材料的制备与应用重点实验室”,具有先进的研究设施(主要包括超净室、磁控溅射系统、PECVD系统、双温区CVD管式炉、快速退火炉、X射线衍射仪、高分辨透射电镜、原子力显微镜、半导体参数测试仪、变温霍尔效应仪、椭圆偏振光谱仪、拉曼光谱仪、荧光光谱仪、X射线光电子能谱仪、飞秒超快光谱系统),与境内外高校(如香港城市大学、佐贺大学、广东以色列理工学院)及企业有着广泛的合作关系,毕业生适合继续深造或在微电子/光电子领域从事相关研发工作。 课题组的毕业研究生大多选择了国内知名芯片制造企业就业或顶尖高校深造。


1. S. Wu, S. J. Zha, Y. Zhang, G. S. Liu, X. J. Chen, Z. H. Li, C. Y. Ho, B. Deng, K. M. Yu, and C. P. Liu*, Defect-dependent environmental stability of high mobility transparent conducting In-doped CdO, J. Appl. Phys. 135, 045302 (2024).

2. X. H. Lv, Z. H. Li, Y. S. Qi, T. Tanaka, Q. X. Guo, K. M. Yu, C. P. Liu*, Room-temperature synthesized amorphous p-type transparent Ga2O3-Cu2S alloy thin films with tunable optoelectronic properties, Appl. Surf. Sci. 615, 156341 (2023).

3. Z. H. Li, J. X. He, X. H. Lv, L. F. Chi, K. O. Egbo, M. D. Li*, T. Tanaka, Q. X. Guo, K. M. Yu, and C. P. Liu*, Optoelectronic properties and ultrafast carrier dynamics of copper iodide thin films, Nat. Commun. 13, 6346(2022).

4. Z. H. Li, K. O. Egbo, X. H. Lv, Y. Wang, K. M. Yu, C. P. Liu*, Electronic structure and properties of Cu2-xS thin films: dependence of phase structures and free-hole concentrations, Appl. Surf. Sci. 572, 151530 (2022).

5. C. P. Liu*, Z. H. Li, K. O. Egbo, C. K. Kwok, X. H. Lv, C. Y. Ho, Y. Wang and K. M. Yu*, Effect of oxygen flow ratio and thermal annealing on defect evolution of aluminum doped zinc oxide thin films by reactive DC magnetron sputtering, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 465703 (2021).

6. C. P. Liu, K. O. Egbo, C. Y. Ho, Y. Wang, C. K. Xu, and K. M. Yu*, Wide-gap Zn1-xNixO alloy: a transparent p-type oxide, Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024049 (2020).

7. C. P. Liu, C. Y. Ho, K. O. Egbo, Z. H. Li, C. K. Xu, and K. M. Yu*, Optoelectronic properties and doping of magnetron sputtered highly mismatched ZnO1-xTex alloy thin films, J. Alloy. Compd., 852, 156950 (2021).

8. C. P. Liu, K. Egbo, C. Y. Ho, J. A. Zapien, W. Walukiewicz, and K. M. Yu*, Stoichiometry controlled bipolar conductivity in nanocrystalline NixCd1-xO1+ d thin films, Phys. Rev. Applied. 11, 014019 (2019).

9. C. P. Liu, C. Y. Ho, R. Reis, Y. Foo, P. F. Guo, J. A. Zapien, W. Walukiewicz, and K. M. Yu*, Room temperature synthesized high mobility transparent amorphous CdO-Ga2O3 alloys with widely tunable electronic bands, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 10, 7239 (2018).

10. C. P. Liu, C. Y. Ho, C. K. Kwok, P. F. Guo, M. K. Hossain, J. A. Zapien, and K. M. Yu*, High mobility transparent amorphous CdO-In2O3 alloy films synthesized at room temperature, Appl. Phys. Lett, 111, 072108 (2017).

11. C. P. Liu, Y. Foo, M. Kamruzzaman, C. Y. Ho, J. A. Zapien, W. Zhu, Y. J. Li, W. Walukiewicz, and K. M. Yu*, Effects of free carriers on the optical properties of doped CdO for full spectrum photovoltaics, Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 064018 (2016).

12. C. P. Liu, Z. H. Chen, H. E. Wang, S. K. Jha, I. Bello*, W. J. Zhang, and J. A. Zapien*, Enhanced performance by incorporation of zinc oxide nanowire array for organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells, Appl. Phys. Lett, 100, 243102 (2012).

13. C. P. Liu, H. E. Wang, T. W. Ng, Z. H. Chen, W. F. Zhang, C. Yan, Y. B. Tang, I. Bello*, L. Martinu, W. J. Zhang, S. K. Jha*, Hybrid photovoltaic cells based on ZnO/Sb2S3/P3HT heterojunctions, Phys. Status Solidi B, 249, 627 (2012).