[ 1 ] 2019年; |
[ 2 ] S.Y. Lian, B. Lin, X.L. Yan, J.Y. Wang*, C.K. Xu*;Preferential sputtering and mass conservation in AES and SIMS depth profiling;Vacuum, 160 (2019) 109-113.; |
[ 3 ] X.L. Yan, M.M. Duvenhage, J.Y. Wang*, H.C. Swart*, J.J. Terblans*;Evaluation of sputtering induced surface roughness development of Ni/Cu multilayers thin films by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry depth profiling with different energies O2+ ion bombardment;Thin Solid Films, 669 (2019) 188–197.; |
[ 4 ] S. Hofmann, G. Zhou, J. Kovac, S. Drev, S.Y. Lian, B. Lin, Y. Liu, J.Y. Wang*;Preferential sputtering effect in depth profling of multilayers with SIMS, XPS and AES;Applied Surface Science, 483 (2019) 140–155.; |
[ 5 ] S.Y. Lian, K.J. Kim, T.G. Kim, S. Hofmann, J.Y. Wang*;Prediction and experimental determination of the layer thickness in SIMS depth profling of Ge/Si multilayers: Effect of preferential sputtering and atomic mixing;Applied Surface Science, 481 (2019) 1103–1108.; |
[ 6 ] Yuanyuan Chen, Zhangping Hu, Yifei Xu, Jiangyong Wang, Peter Schützendübe,;Microstructure evolution and interface structure of Al-40 wt% Si composites produced by high-energy ball milling;Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 512-519.; |
[ 7 ] J. Wang, P. Schützendübe, YX. Qiu, JY Wang, Y. Huang, YC. Liu, ZuminWang*;Tailoring metal film texture by use of high atomic mobility at metal-semiconductor interfaces;Applied Surface Science, 475 (2019) 117–123.; |
[ 8 ] Representative papers: (* 为通讯作者 corresponding author); |
[ 9 ] Yue Gong, Yuyang Chen, Qinghua Zhang, Fanqi Meng, Jin-An Shi, Xinyu Liu, Xiaozhi Liu, Jienan Zhang, Hao Wang, Jiangyong Wang, Qian Yu*, Ze Zhang, Qiang Xu, Ruijuan Xiao, Yong-Sheng Hu, Lin Gu*, Hong Li*, Xuejie Huang, Liquan Chen;Three-dimensional atomic-scale observation of structural evolution of cathode material in a working all-solid-state battery;Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 3341; |
[ 10 ] S. Hofmann, S.Y. Lian, Y. S. Han, Q.R. Deng, J.Y. Wang*;Correlation of depth resolution and preferential sputtering in SIMS depth profiles of thin layers;Thin Solid Films, 662 (2018) 165–167; |
[ 11 ] S. Hofmann, S.Y. Lian, Y. S. Han, Y. Liu, J.Y. Wang*;Depth resolution and preferential sputtering in depth profiling of delta layers;Applied Surface Science, 455 (2018) 1045–1056; |
[ 12 ] XinLiang Yan, JiangYong Wang*, Hendrik Swart and Koos Terblans;AES study of Cu and S surface segregation in a ternary Ni-Cu(S) alloy in combination with a linear heating method;Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 768 (2018) 875-882; |
[ 13 ] Zhen Li, Shun Hui Lin, Gui Ming Qiu, Jiang Yong Wang, and Yun Peng Yu*;A method for determining band parameters from the optical absorption edge of amorphous semiconductor: Application to a-Si:H;Journal of Applied Physics, 124 (2018) 025702; |
[ 14 ] Yifei Xu, Xinyu Liu, Lin Gu, Jiangyong Wang, Peter Schützendübe, Yuan Huang, Yongchang Liu, Zumin Wang*;Natural oxidation of amorphous CuxZr1-x alloys;Applied Surface Science, 457 (2018) 396–402; |
[ 15 ] JY Wang*, ZM Wang, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Diffusion, Crystallization, and Layer Exchange upon Low-Temperature Annealing of Amorphous Si/Polycrystalline Al-Layered Structures;Chapter 3 (pp. 61-101), Ed: ZM Wang, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., USA, 2015.; |
[ 16 ] S. Hofmann, Y.S. Han, J.Y. Wang*;Depth resolution and preferential sputtering in depth profiling of sharp interfaces;Applied Surface Science, 410 (2017) 354-362.; |
[ 17 ] Yue Gong, Jienan Zhang, Liwei Jiang, Jin-An Shi, Qinghua Zhang, Zhenzhong Yang, Dongli Zou, Jiangyong Wang, Xiqian Yu, Ruijuan Xiao, Yong-Sheng Hu, Lin Gu, Hong Li, and Liquan Chen;In Situ Atomic-Scale Observation of Electrochemical Delithiation Induced Structure Evolution of LiCoO2 Cathode in a Working All-Solid-State Battery;Journal of the American Chemical Society (Communication), 139, (2017) 4274-4277; |
[ 18 ] X.L. Yan, E. Coetsee, J.Y. Wang* , H.C. Swart* and J.J. Terblans*;Quantitative evaluation of sputtering induced surface roughness and its influence on AES depth profiles of polycrystalline Ni/Cu multilayer thin films;Applied Surface Science, 411 (2017) 73-81; |
[ 19 ] Bruce M. Law*, Sean P. McBride, Jiang Yong Wang, Haeng Sub Wi, Govind Paneru, Santigo Betelu, Baku Ushijima, Youichi Takata, Bret Flanders, Fernando Bresme, Hiroki Matsubara, Takanori Takiue, Makoto Aratono;Line tension and its influence on droplets and particles at surfaces;Progress in Surface Science,92(2017)1-39.; |
[ 20 ] H.L.Kang, J.B. Lao, Z.P. Li, W.Q. Yao*, C. Liu, J.Y. Wang*;Reconstruction of GaAs/AlAs supperlattice multilayer structure by quantification of AES and SIMS sputter depth profiles;Applied Surface Science, 388 (2016) 584-588.; |
[ 21 ] S. Hofmann, Y. Liu, W. Jian, H.L. Kang, J.Y. Wang*;Depth resolution in sputter profiling revisited;Surface and Interface Analysis, 48(2016)1354-1369.; |
[ 22 ] 康红利, 简玮, 韩逸山, 刘毅, 王江涌*;溅射深度剖析定量分析及其应用研究进展;汕头大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 31, No. 2, PP. 3-24, 2016 (特邀综述); |
[ 23 ] B. Lin, W. Jian and J.Y. Wang;Understanding of phase transformation in Pd/a-Si bilayered system;Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 665 (2016) 42-47.; |
[ 24 ] Lin Huang, Wei Jian, Bing Lin, Yuren Wen, Lin Gu and Jiangyong Wang*;Thermodynamic understanding of Sn whisker growth on the Cu surface in Cu(top)-Sn(bottom) bilayer system upon room temperature aging;Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (2015) 215308; |
[ 25 ] XinLiang Yan, Yi Liu, Hendrik Swart, JiangYong Wang and Koos Terblans;Investigation of interdiffusion and depth resolution in Cu/Ni multilayer by means of AES depth profiling;Applied Surface Science, 364 (2016) 567–572.; |
[ 26 ] Y. Liu, S. Hofmann, J. Y. Wang*, B. R. Chakraborty;Quantitative reconstruction of Ta/Si multilayer depth profiles obtained by ToF- SIMS using Cs+ ion sputtering;Thin Solid Films, 591 (2015) 60-65; |
[ 27 ] Y. Liu, S. Hofmann, J.Y. Wang*;An Analytical Depth Resolution Function for the MRI Model;Surface and Interface Analysis (Rapid Communication),45(2013) 1659-1660; |
[ 28 ] Y. Liu, W. Jian, J.Y. Wang*, S. Hofmann, K. Shimizu;Quantitative reconstruction of the GDOES sputter depth profile of a monomolecular layer structure of thiourea on copper;Applied Surface Science 331 (2015) 140–149; |
[ 29 ] Min Lin, Xu Chen, Xinyi Li, Chi Huang, Yanxiu Li, Jiangyong Wang*;Local equilibrium in the dissolution and segregation kinetics of Ag on Cu(111) surface;Applied Surface Science, 297 (2014) 130-133; |
[ 30 ] Y. Liu, W.H. Yu, J. Y. Wang*;A model for quantification of GDOES depth profiles;Vacuum, 113 (2015) 5-10; |
[ 31 ] 其它; |
[ 32 ] Zhiqiang Xu, Yifei Xu, An Zhang, Jiangyong Wang, Zumin Wang*;Oxidation of amorphous alloys;Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 34 (2018) 1997–2005.; |
[ 33 ] Deng, Q.R, Kang, H.L, Han, Y.S, Zhang, X., Mai, X.W, Huang, Q.R and Wang, J.Y*;Characterization of a Single Layer of Si0.73Ge0.27 and a Quantum-Well Structure of Si0.4Ge0.6/Ge by Quantitative SIMS Depth Profiling Using the Analytical Depth Resolution Function of the MRI Model;In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Materials, Chemistry and Engineering (IWMCE 2018), 486-492.; |
[ 34 ] Lian, S.Y, Xiao, S.H, Yu, Y.P, Lin, S.H, Zhang, H.Y, Lin, G., Xu, C.K and Wang, J.Y*;Effects of Stress and Roughness on the Reflectivity of Blue Light in ZnS/MgF2 Multilayers;In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Materials, Chemistry and Engineering (IWMCE 2018), 478-485.; |
[ 35 ] 王宇,余云鹏,张汉焱,林钢,徐从康,王江涌*;AZO单层和AZO/Cu/AZO复合层薄膜光电性能的研究;材料科学, 8 (2018) 664-676; |
[ 36 ] 王宇,余云鹏,张汉焱,林钢,徐从康,王江涌*;AZO透明导电膜的光电性能研究;材料科学, 8 (2018) 401-411; |
[ 37 ] 梁家伟,林晓琪,毕焰枫,冯朗丹,庄素娜,韩逸山,王江涌*;不同工作参数下Ni/Ag双层膜GDOES深度谱的比较;真空, 55(2018)5-9; |
[ 38 ] 梁家伟,韩逸山,庄素娜,劳珏斌,林伟轩,简玮,王江涌*;辉光放电发射光谱在材料成分-深度分析中的应用;真空 54(2017)39-46.; |
[ 39 ] 林炜轩,王江涌*;高度分布函数与自相关函数对表面粗糙度参数的影响;表面技术,46 (2017) 241-249; |
[ 40 ] 连松友,姜国利,余云鹏,林舜辉,林 钢,徐从康,王江涌*;蓝光过滤多层功能薄膜的遗传算法设计;表面技术,46 (2017) 1-6; |
[ 41 ] 崔东庆,简玮,余云鹏,林舜辉,王江涌*;铜镍诱导非晶硅晶化机制研究;功能材料,48 (2017) 11161-11167; |
[ 42 ] 连松友,余云鹏,林舜辉,林 钢,徐从康,王江涌*;光学增透和增反多层膜的设计与计算;材料科学, 7 (2017) 78-87; |
[ 43 ] 陈德锋,廖桂颖,王江涌;基于遗传算法的最速降线问题求解;力学研究(International Journal of Mechanics Research),4 (2015) 76-88.; |
[ 44 ] 表面与界面的偏析 (Surface and Interface segregation); |
[ 45 ] 陈煜,黄立豪,杨士栋,邹永恒,姜国利,王江涌*;钯-硅(Pd-Si)薄膜表面偏析研究;材料科学研究, 6 (2016) 334-345.; |
[ 46 ] Guoli Jiang, Jiangyong Wang;Methods for Stress Measurement;Material Sciences (Chinese) 6 (2016) 11-25.; |
[ 47 ] 李艳秀,林旻,蒋苏华,冼志科,邹永恒,王江涌*;表面偏析浓度非连续变化现象的定量解释;真空,51, (2014) 74-78; |
[ 48 ] X.L. Yan, M. Lin, J.Y. Wang;Equilibrium and kinetic surface segregations in Cu–Sn thin films;Applied Physics A, 113 (2013) 423-430; |
[ 49 ] Xinyi Li, Min Li, Xu Chen, Chi Huang, Yanxiu Li, Jiangyong Wang*;Influence of bulk concentration on the discontinuous transition in surface segregation;Advanced Materials Research 648 (2013) pp 35-42.; |
[ 50 ] X.L. Yan, J.Y. Wang*;Size effects on surface segregation in Ni-Cu alloy thin flms;Thin Solid Films 529 (2013), pp. 483-487; |
[ 51 ] Min Lin, Xu Chen, Xinyi Li, Chi Huang, Yanxiu Li, Jiangyong Wang*;Local equilibrium in the dissolution kinetics of Ag on Cu(111) surface;Advanced Materials Research 648 (2013) pp 43-49.; |
[ 52 ] 颜心良,王江涌*;二元合金薄膜的表面偏析;真空 49, No.4, PP. 63-67, Jul. 2012.; |
[ 53 ] JY Wang, J du Plessis*, JJ Terblans and GN van Wyk;The equilibrium surface segregation of silver to the low index surfaces of a copper single crystal;Surface & Interface Analysis 28 (1999) 73; |
[ 54 ] JY Wang*;Equilibrium and kinetic surface segregation in binary alloy thin films;Applied Surface Science, 252 (2006) 5347; |
[ 55 ] JY Wang, J du Plessis*, JJ Terblans and GN van Wyk;Kinetics near the discontinuous surface transition in the Cu(111)(Ag) binary segregating system;Surface Science, 423 (1999) 12; |
[ 56 ] JY Wang, J du Plessis*, JJ Terblans and GN van Wyk;The Discontinuous surface transition in the Cu(111)(Ag) binary segregating system;Surface Science, 419 (1999) 197.; |
[ 57 ] EC Viljoen, JY Wang, WJ Erasmus, JJ Terblans and J du Plessis*;Ordered monolayer overstructures formed on Cu surfaces through segregation;Materials Science Forum, 294 (1999) 457; |
[ 58 ] 薄膜材料深度剖析的定量分析 (Quantitative sputter depth profiling in thin films); |
[ 59 ] 李炯,林炜轩,程鹤登,陈榕杰,王江涌*;非高斯高度分布函数构造的表面形貌的表征;表面技术,45 (2016) 205-212.; |
[ 60 ] 林炜轩,王江涌*;高度分布函数与自相关函数对表面粗糙度参数的影响;表面技术,46 (2017) 241-249.; |
[ 61 ] 康红利,劳珏斌,刘毅,王江涌*;SIMS溅射深度剖析的定量分析;真空, 52, No.1, PP. 1-6, 2015.; |
[ 62 ] Yi Liu, Weixuan Lin, Weibing Ye, Huansheng Li, Jiong Li, Weihua Yu, and Jiangyong Wang*;Determination of the interface roughness between Ni-coated layer and Cu substrate by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy depth profiling;Advanced Materials Research, 1094 (2015) 181-187; |
[ 63 ] S. Hofmann, Y. Liu, J. Y. Wang, J. Kovac;Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Resolution Functions in Sputter Depth Profiling;Applied Surface Science, 314(2014) 942-955; |
[ 64 ] 马春华,刘毅,黄云驰,程鹤登,韩逸山,朱星星,叶伟斌,王江涌*;规则表面形貌的表征;汕头大学学报(自然科学版)29 (2014)35-42.; |
[ 65 ] Y. Liu, W. Jian, J.Y. Wang, S. Hofmann, J. Kovac;Influence of non-Gaussian roughness on sputter depth profiles;Applied Surface Science. 276 (2013) 447-453; |
[ 66 ] W. Jian, Y. Liu, X.Y. Wang, S.P. Rao, S. Hofmann, J.Y. Wang;Quantification of AES depth profiling data of polycrystalline Al films with Gaussian and non-Gaussian surface height distribution;Surface and Interface Analysis, 45 (2013) 1148-1151; |
[ 67 ] Xiaoyin Wang, Wei Jian, Yi Liu, Shaoping Rao, Xingxing Zhu, Yishan Han, Jiangyong Wang*;Determination of coated substrate roughness by quantification of measured depth profiles;Advanced Materials Research, 602-604 (2013) pp 1624-1629.; |
[ 68 ] Shaoping Rao, Yi Liu, Xiaoyin Wang, Wei Jian, Jiangyong Wang*;Quantification of N2+ implanted AES depth profiling data in Al;Advanced Materials Research,602-604 (2013) pp 1808-1813.; |
[ 69 ] 刘毅,王江涌*;择优溅射对深度剖析谱和深度分辨率的影响;真空 49, No.2, PP. 71-76, Mar. 2013.; |
[ 70 ] Y. Liu, J.Y. Wang, S. Hofmann and J. Kovac;Quantification of the N2+ implanted AES depth profiles in Cobalt;Advanced Materials Research, 557-559 (2012) pp. 1653-1640.; |
[ 71 ] J.Y. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Hofmann and J. Kovac;Influence of nonstationary atomic mixing on depth resolution in sputter depth profiling;Surface and Interface Analysis. 2012, 44, PP. 569-572; |
[ 72 ] 刘毅,王江涌;溅射深度剖析的定量分析及其应用;真空 49, No.2, PP. 71-76, Mar. 2012.; |
[ 73 ] JY Wang;Determination of Interdiffusion Coefficient in Nanolayered Structures by Auger Electron Spectroscopical SputterDepth Profiling;Advanced Materials Research,306-307 (2011) pp 1354-1359.; |
[ 74 ] JY Wang*, U Starke and EJ Mittemeijer;Evaluation of the depth resolutions of AES, XPS, TOF-SIMS sputter depth profiling techniques;Thin Solid Films, 517 (2009) 3402; |
[ 75 ] S. Hofmann and JY Wang* and A Zalar;Backscattering effect in quantitative AES sputter depth profiling of multilayers;Surface and Interface Analysis, 39 (2007) 787; |
[ 76 ] S. Hofmann* and JY Wang;Implementing the electron backscattering factor in quantitative sputter depth profiling using AES;Surface and Interface Analysis, 39 (2007) 324; |
[ 77 ] S. Hofmann* and JY Wang;AES depth profiling with a titled sample in front of a cylindrical mirror analyzer: quantification and profile shape changes according to an extension of the conventional MRI model;Surface and Interface Analysis, 39 (2007) 45; |
[ 78 ] S. Hofmann* and JY Wang;The MRI-Model in sputter depth profiling: capabilities, limitations and recent progress;Journal of Surface Analysis, 13 (2006) 142; |
[ 79 ] JY Wang*, A Zalar, and EJ Mittemeijer;Depth dependences of the ion bombardment induced roughness and of the interdiffusion coefficient for Si/Al multilayers;Applied Surface Science, 222 (2004) 171; |
[ 80 ] JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;A new method for the determination of the diffusion-induced concentration profile and the interdiffusion coefficient for thin solid film systems by Auger electron spectroscopical sputter depth profiling;Journal of Materials Research, 19 (2004) 681; |
[ 81 ] JY Wang*, S. Hofmann, A Zalar and EJ Mittemeijer;Quantitative evaluation of sputtering induced surface roughness in depth profiling of polycrystalline multilayers using Auger electron spectroscopy;Thin Solid Films, 444 (2003) 120; |
[ 82 ] JY Wang*, A Zalar, YH Zhao and EJ Mittemeijer;Determination of the interdiffusion coefficient for Si/Al multilayers by Auger electron spectroscopical sputter depth profiling;Thin Solid Films, 433 (2003) 92; |
[ 83 ] S. Hofmann* and JY Wang;Progress in quantitative sputter depth profiling using the MRI-model;Journal of Surface Analysis, 10 (2003) 52; |
[ 84 ] T Wagner*, JY Wang, and S Hofmann;Sputter Depth Profiling in AES and XPS, Chapter 22, in Surface Analysis by Auger and X-ray Photoelectron;Ed: D. Briggs and J. Grant, IM Publications, West Sussex, UK and SurfaceSpectra Limited, Manchester, UK, 2003, p.619; |
[ 85 ] S. Hofmann* and JY Wang;Determination of the depth scale in sputter depth profiling;Journal of Surface Analysis, 9 (2002) 336; |
[ 86 ] 薄膜中的扩散及相变 (Diffusion and phase transformation in thin films); |
[ 87 ] 林冰,戴钟保,高梦滢,王江涌*;薄膜中的扩散及应力模型;材料科学研究, 6 (2016) 413-431.; |
[ 88 ] 蒋金春,简 玮,毛 婷,林文伟,邹永恒,罗以琳,王江涌*;可形成硅化物的金属诱导非晶硅晶化机制的研究;材料保护,48, PP. 139-144, 2015; |
[ 89 ] 林 冰,黄 琳,简 玮,王江涌*;界面热力学在锡晶须生长研究中的应用;表面技术,44 (2015) 1-8; |
[ 90 ] 简 玮,林 冰,黄 琳,王江涌*;薄膜材料中的界面热力学;材料科学研究,2(2013) 58-68; |
[ 91 ] Lin Huang, Xuenian Lin, Renwu Chen and Jiangyong Wang*;Sn whisker growth in Cu (top)-Sn (bottom) bilayer system upon room temperature aging;Advanced Materials Research,785-786 (2013) 918-923.; |
[ 92 ] 黄木香,杨琳,刘玉琪,王江涌*;非晶硅薄膜晶化过程的研究;真空 49, No.5, PP. 35-38, Sep. 2012.; |
[ 93 ] 刘毅,黄木香,徐文武,陈仁武,魏少巍,王江涌*;铝诱导层交换的研究进展;汕头大学学报(自然科学版)2012, 27, No. 4, pp. 17-25.; |
[ 94 ] Z.M. Wang, L. Gu, F. Phillipp, J.Y. Wang, L.P.H. Jeurgens, E.J. Mittemeijer;Metal-Catalyzed Growth of Semiconductor Nanostructures without Solubility and Diffusivity Constraints;Advanced Materials 23, 854-859 (2011).; |
[ 95 ] Sobiech, M., C. Krüger, U. Welzel, J.Y. Wang, E.J. Mittemeijer and W. Hügel;Phase Formation at the Sn/Cu Interface during Room Temperature Aging: Microstructural Evolution, Whiskering, and Interface Thermodynamics;Journal of Materials Research 26, 1482-1493 (2011).; |
[ 96 ] Sobiech, M., C. Krüger, U. Welzel, J.Y. Wang, E.J. Mittemeijer and W. Hügel;Evolution of Microstructure and Stress of and Associated Whisker Growth on Sn Layers Sputter-Deposited on Cu Substrates;Journal of Materials Research 25, 2166-2174 (2010).; |
[ 97 ] ZM Wang, LPH Jeurgens, JY Wang and EJ Mittemeijer*;Advances in understanding metaled-induced crystallization of amorphous semiconductors;Advanced Engineering Materials, 11(2009)131; |
[ 98 ] ZM Wang*, LPH Jeurgens, JY Wang, F. Phillipp and EJ Mittemeijer;High-resolution transmission-electron-microscopy study of ultrathin Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Si;Journal of Materials Research, 24 (2009) 3294; |
[ 99 ] JY Wang*, ZM Wang, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Mechanisms of aluminum-induced crystallization and layer exchange upon low-temperature annealing of amorphous Si/polycrystalline Al bilayers;Journal of NanoScience and NanoTechnology, 9 (2009) 3364; |
[ 100 ] ZM Wang, JY Wang*, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Origins of stress development during metal-induced crystallization and layer exchange: Annealing amorphous Ge/crystalline Al bilayers;Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) 5047; |
[ 101 ] D He, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Crystallite size and micro- and macro-strain changes during layer exchange upon annealing amorphous silicon/crystalline aluminum;Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 27 (2008) 193; |
[ 102 ] ZM Wang, JY Wang*, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Thermodynamics and mechanism of metal-induced crystallization in immiscible alloy systems;Physical Review B, 77 (2008) 045424; |
[ 103 ] ZM Wang, JY Wang*, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Tailoring the ultrathin Al-induced crystallization temperature of amorphous Si by interface thermodynamics;Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008) 125503; |
[ 104 ] ZM Wang, JY Wang*, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;Investigation of metal-induced crystallization in amorphous Ge/crystalline Al bilayers by Auger microanalysis and selected-area depth profiling;Surface and Interface Analysis, 40 (2008) 427; |
[ 105 ] JY Wang*, ZM Wang and EJ Mittemeijer;Mechanism of aluminium-induced layer exchange upon low-temperature annealing of amorphous Si/polycrystalline Al bilayers;Journal of Applied Physics, 102 (2007) 113523; |
[ 106 ] ZM Wang, JY Wang*, LPH Jeurgens and EJ Mittemeijer;“Explosive”crystallization of amorphous germanium in Ge/Al layer systems; comparison with Si/Al layer systems;Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006) 987; |
[ 107 ] JY Wang*, D He, A Zalar and EJ Mittemeijer;Interdiffusion in microstructurally different Si/Al multilayered structures;Surface and Interface Analysis, 38 (2006) 773; |
[ 108 ] JY Wang*, D He, YH Zhao and EJ Mittemeijer;Origin of aluminium-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon;Applied Physics Letters, 88 (2006) 061910; |
[ 109 ] D He, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Origins of interdiffusion, crystallization and layer exchange in crystalline Al / amorphous Si layer systems;Applied Surface Science, 252 (2006) 5470; |
[ 110 ] D He, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Thermodynamic and kinetic criteria for layer exchange in amorphous silicon/crystalline aluminium bilayers during annealing;Scripta Materialia, 54 (2006) 559; |
[ 111 ] D He, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;The initial stage of the reaction between amorphous Si and crystalline Al;Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005) 093524; |
[ 112 ] D He, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Reaction between amorphous Si and crystalline Al in Al/Si and Si/Al bilayers: microstructural and thermodynamic analysis of layer exchange;Applied Physics A, 80 (2005) 501; |
[ 113 ] YH Zhao, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Initial interaction of crystalline Al/amorphous Si bilayer during annealing;MRS Proceedings, 808 (2004) A4.23; |
[ 114 ] YH Zhao, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Microstructural changes in amorphous Si/crystalline Al thin bilayer films upon annealing;Applied Physics A, 79 (2004) 681; |
[ 115 ] A Zalar*, JY Wang, YH Zhao, EJ Mittemeijer and P. Panjan;AES depth profiling of thermally treated Al/Si thin-film structures;Vacuum, 71 (2003) 11; |
[ 116 ] YH Zhao, JY Wang* and EJ Mittemeijer;Interaction of amorphous Si and crystalline Al thin films during low-temperature annealing in vacuum;Thin Solid Films, 433 (2003) 82; |
[ 117 ] 界面间的相互作用 (Interaction between interfaces); |
[ 118 ] BM Law*, A Mukhopadhyay, JR Henderson and JY Wang;Wetting of silicon wafers by n-alkanes;Langmuir, 19 (2003) 8380; |
[ 119 ] JY Wang, S Betelu and BM Law*;Line tension approaching the wetting transition: experimental results from contact angle measurement;Physical Review E. 63 (2001) 031601; |
[ 120 ] JY Wang, S Betelu and BM Law*;Line tension effects near first-order wetting transitions;Physical Review Letters, 83 (1999) 3677; |
[ 121 ] JY Wang, M Crawley and BM Law*;Contact angle hysteresis near a first-order wetting transition;Langmuir, 17 (2001) 299; |
[ 122 ] 原子结构的计算 (Atomic structure calculations); |
[ 123 ] JH Xi, LJ Wu, BW Li* and JY Wang;Hyperfine interaction in Sc atomic structure;Chinese Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, S1 (1990) 52; |
[ 124 ] JY Wang*, FH Wang and QQ Gao;Exchange-correlation energy of the Be ground state;Chinese Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, 3 (1992) 2393; |
[ 125 ] JH Xi, LJ Wu, BW Li* and JY Wang;Hyperfine interaction of the Sc ground state;Physics Letters A, 152 (1991) 401; |
[ 126 ] JY Wang*, JH Xi, LJ Wu and BW Li;Exchange-correlation energies of beryllium and its isoelectronic sequence;Chinese Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, S1 (1990) 71; |