[ 1 ] Shaowu Wang, Yan Li, Qijiao Xu, Shaohui Li;A MIM Filter Based on a Side-Coupled Crossbeam Square-Ring Resonator;Plasmonics, 2016, 11(5):1291-1296; |
[ 2 ] Xuhong Cai, Qijiao Xu, Shaowu Wang, and Shaohui Li;Low-cross-talk and high-contrast all optical bistable switching based on coupled defects in a nonlinear photonic crystal cross-waveguide geometry;Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications,2015,13: 89–96; |
[ 3 ] B. E. Schmidt, O. Gause, F. Hagemann, S. Li, W. Unrau, L. Woeste, and T. Siebert;Optimal White Light Control of the Negative to Neutral to Positive Charge Transition (NeNePo) in the Electronic Manifold of the Silver Trimer;J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116 (46), pp 11459–11466; |
[ 4 ] Xuhong Cai, Xiaofan Wang, and Shaohui Li;Design of high-contrast all-optical diodes based on coupled nonlinear photonic crystal microcavities;Optics Communications, 2012, 285, 1959-1963; |
[ 5 ] Shaohui Li, Juri Demuth, Aldo Mirabal, Ludger Woeste, and Torsten Siebert;On the role of thermal activation in selective photochemistry: mechanistic insight into the oxidation of propene on the V4O11- clusers;Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 148-156; |
[ 6 ] Shaohui Li, Xuhong Cai, and Xiaofan Wang;Design of high-contrast all-optical bistable switches based on coupled nonlinear photonic crystal microcavities;J. Appl. Phys., 2011, 109, 093109-1-5.; |
[ 7 ] Shaohui Li, and Xuhong Cai;High-contrast all optical bistable switching in coupled nonlinear photonic crystal microcavities;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, 96, 131114; |
[ 8 ] 高启文,李邵辉;飞秒强激光场中异核团簇的爆炸动力学;强激光与粒子束, 2010, 22,2993; |
[ 9 ] Shaohui Li, and Xuhong Cai;Coupled mode analysis of nonlinear defects in photonic crystals;J. Appl. Phys., 2009, 106, 083105; |
[ 10 ] Shaohui Li, Aldo Mirabal, Juri Demuth, Ludger W?este, and Torsten Siebert;A complete reactant-product analysis of the oxygen transfer reaction in [V4O11C3H6]-:a cluster complex for modeling surface activation and reactivity;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 16832; |
[ 11 ] Gabriele Santambrogio, Ewald Janssens, Shaohui Li, Torsten Siebert, Gerard Meijer, Knut R. Asmis, Jens D?bler, Marek Sierka, and Joachim Sauer;Identification of conical structures in small aluminum oxide cluster: infrared spectroscopy of (Al2O3)1-4(AlO)+;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 15143; |
[ 12 ] Bruno E. Schmidt, Waldemar Unrau, Aldo Mirabal, Shaohui Li, Marcel Krenz, Ludger W?este, and Torsten Siebert;Poor man’s source for sub 7 fs: a simple route to ultrashort laser pulses and their full characterizations;Opt. Express, 2008, 16, 18910; |
[ 13 ] Guanglong Chen, Cheng Wang, Haiyang Lu, Shaohui Li, Jiansheng Liu, Guoquan Ni, Ruxin Li and Zhizhan Xu;Effects on the proton production from explosions of hydrogen clusters subjected to intense femtosecond laser fields;J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 2007, 40, 445; |
[ 14 ] Roland Ackermann, Estelle Salmon, No?lle Lascoux, Jér?me, Kasparian, Philipp Rohwetter, Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Shaohui Li, Albrecht Lindinger, Ludger W?este, Pierre Béjot, Luigi Bonacina, and Jean-Pierre Wolf;Optimal control of filamentation in air;Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 89, 171117; |
[ 15 ] 蔡旭红,李邵辉;飞秒强激光脉冲中氩团簇库仑爆炸特性研究;光子学报,2006,6,811; |
[ 16 ] Xuhong Cai, Peiqing Zhang, Yue Jiang, Shaohui Li;Dynamics of Coulomb explosion of hydrogen clusters in a high-intensity femtosecond laser pulse;Chinese Optics Letters 2006,4,122; |
[ 17 ] Li Shaohui, Wangcheng, Zhu Pinpin,Wang Xiangxin, Li Ruxin, Ni Guoquan, and Xu Zhizhan;Studies of ion energy and yield from argo clusters heated by intense femtosecond laser pulses;European Physical Journal 2005,34,215; |
[ 18 ] 李邵辉, 王成, 刘建胜,王向欣, 李儒新, 倪国权, 徐至展;“飞秒强激光场中大尺寸氩团簇爆炸机理的实验研究”;《物理学报》,2005, 54(2); |
[ 19 ] Jingtao Zhang, Shaohui Li, and Zhizhan Xu;Evolution of photoelectron angular distributions in a train of identical, circularly polarized few-cycle laser pulses;Eur. Phys. J. D, 2004, 30:441; |
[ 20 ] Jingtao Zhang, Shaohui Li, and Zhizhan Xu;Above-threshold ionization of xenon atoms in a bichromatic phase-controlled laser field of linear and circular polarization;Phys. Rev. A, 2004, 69(5):053410; |
[ 21 ] Li Shaohui, Wang Cheng, Liu Jiansheng, Zhu Pinpin, Wang Xiangxin, Ni Guoquan, Li Ruxin and Xu Zhizhan;Interactions of a Femtosecond Intense Laser with Rare Gas Clusters in a Dense Jet;Plasma Science and Technology, 2004, 6; |
[ 22 ] Shaohui Li, Cheng Wang, Jiansheng Liu, Xiangxin Wang, Ruxin Li, Guoquan Ni, and Zhizhan Xu;Interaction of Intense Laser Pulses with Atomic Clusters at Different Gas Densities;Chinese Optic Letter, 2004, 2(9):497; |
[ 23 ] Li Shao-Hui, Li Ru-Xin, Ni Guo-Quan, Xu Zhi-Zhan;Electron impact ionization of large krypton clusters;Chin. Phys., 2004, 13(10):1684; |
[ 24 ] Li Shaohui, Wangcheng, Liu Jiansheng, Wang Xiangxin, Zhu Pinpin, Li Ruxin, Ni Guoquan, and Xu Zhizhan;Anisotropic Energetic Ion Emission from Explosion of Intense Laser Irradiated Argon Clusters in a Jet;Chin. Phys. Lett., 2004, 21(3):481; |
[ 25 ] Liu Jian-Sheng, Li Ru-Xin, Wang-Cheng, Li Shao-Hui, Wang Xiang-Xin, Zhu Pin-Pin, Zeng Zhi-Nan, Ni Guo-Quan, Xu Zhi-Zhan, and Liu Jing-Ru;Time-Resolved Investigation of Clusters Irradiated by a Strong Lasers;Chin. Phys. Lett., 2003, 20(9):1492; |
[ 26 ] Li Shaohui, Wangcheng, Liu Jiansheng, Wang Xiangxin, Zhu Pinpin, Li Ruxin, Ni Guoquan, and Xu Zhizhan;High Intensity Femtosecond Laser Absorption by Rare Gas Clusters;Chinese Physics, 2003, 12(11):1229; |
[ 27 ] Li Shaohui, Liu Bingchen, Ni Guoquan, and Xu Zhizhan;Rayleigh Scattering Inverstigation of The Time Characteristics of a Pulsed Flow of Rrare Gas Clusters;Chinese Physics, 2003, 12(8):856; |
[ 28 ] Li Shaohui, Wangcheng, Zhu Pinpin,Wang Xiangxin, Li Ruxin, Ni Guoquan, and Xu Zhizhan;Generation of Very Energetic Ions from fs Intense Laser Interactions with Rare Gas Clusters in a Dense Jet;Chin. Phys. Lett. 2003, 20(8): 1247; |
[ 29 ] Liu Bing-Chen, Zhu Pin-Pin, Li Shao-Hui, Ni Guo-Quan, Xu Zhi-Zhan;Size estimation and Time Evolusion of Large Size Rare Gas Clusters by Rayleigh Scattering Techniques;Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, 19(5):659; |